Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,135

Rhaven kept walking, her mind spinning as she struggled to think of a way to bring this up. "Have you ever been tested?" she finally asked, going the blunt route.

He chuckled. "Um, not in a while. Not unless it's something standard." Then, just as they reached her room, her stepped around her. "I've also never, um... You know, kids and all. So, I'm kinda used to condoms."

"I didn't bring any," she admitted. "I mean, Braden was tested, and I've never, except, you know, with him and you."

He nodded slowly. "Well, I can't remember the last time I had sex without one. Um, teens? I know I've been tested since. Like, at least twice, but I'm not sure for what. Look, I can run down and get some. Or we can talk. I'm cool either way."

She chewed at her lip. "When was the last time you slept with someone?" she asked.

He groaned. "Fuck, we talking numbers now? Rhaven, I've been with four women in my life. Yeah, that includes you. Three were virgins. Again, includes you." He pushed out a breath and turned away. "Yeah, um, not real impressive, I guess. I kinda tend to date for a while."

"How old are you?" she asked.

He lifted both hands to drag them down his face. "Twenty-four. You?"

"Twenty-two," she said. "Braden's twenty-seven." Then Rhaven groaned, not sure why she'd even told him that. "I'm making a mess out of this. I'm sorry."

"Hey," he breathed, kicking off his shoes. "C'mon, get comfy. I'm honestly ok with talking, some heavy making out, and maybe even a little cuddling." Then he crawled up onto the bed, patting the spot beside him.

Rhaven stripped off her boots, kicking them together beside the wall, then moved to join him. "Is it stupid that I don't care about condoms?" she asked.

He pulled her up against his side as he reclined against the headboard and pillows. "Rhaven, I like you - a lot. I also don't do the short and casual thing. I try, I get attached, and then I get my heart broken."

She looked up to see his face. "I've only ever been with you and Braden. At all. In any way. Kissing, fucking... you know."

He reached between them to brush her hair away from her face. "You and Braden stopped using protection, huh?"

"Is it weird to even talk about that?" she asked, knowing she was completely out of her depth.

Psyc just shrugged. "Probably. This whole thing is weird, to tell you the truth, but I'm kinda into this girl, and she's got a boyfriend, and he keeps checking out my ass, so I'm just rolling with it. But seriously, beautiful, you and him, condoms or no?"

"No," she admitted.

He nodded. "Ok. So, kinda puts things in perspective for me. Um, the way I see it, we have two choices. One, I really can go without or go get condoms. That's option one, which has a few sub-options, I know. Or two, we make this a thing. Me and you, exclusive - well, plus Braden. But the three of us don't touch anyone else, ok? Then no condoms."

"That's..." She pulled back and turned to see him. "Psyc, that's not fair to you. I mean, I'm already with Braden. And he and I are dating, so he can't. But - "

"I'm saying I want this to be a real relationship," he said, cutting her off. "I want to be your other boyfriend. Not a piece of ass you get when you're bored. A relationship, Rhaven. I don't go home and fuck anyone. I don't flirt with strange girls." He paused, his expression changing for a moment. "Outside our friends, and for good reasons, I mean. Because I'm gonna hit on Q and Lith in game. But that's just funny, and it's nothing serious."

She heard the rest of that, but the first line had her stunned. "Other boyfriend?"

He nodded. "A real couple. Thruple? Whatever! Rhaven, I want to be your boyfriend. I want this to be more than fucking. I want to be able to brag that you're my girlfriend, ok?"

"Ok," she breathed, leaning back into him. "Psyc?"

"Mm?" he asked, sounding a little too pleased.

She reached over to draw circles with her finger where his shirt lay over his stomach. "I never thought I'd get one boyfriend, let alone two."

"Oh, I knew you would," he promised, rolling into her. "I also know that quite a few guys check you out when you walk into a room. Those legs, Rhaven. God, they drive me wild." Copyright 2016 - 2024