Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,122

sweet time about it.

Some things were too important to rush. This? Proving to his woman just how happy this made him? He intended to spend the rest of his life making sure he got it right.

Chapter 41

Psyc woke up thanks to a combination of morning light and a serious need to piss. With a groan, he sat up, and his eyes fell on Braden draped across the far side of the bed. In the middle, Rhaven was half out of her dress, and none of them had made it under the covers. From the looks of it, they hadn't made it to naked either, but he remembered kissing her last night.

He rolled off his side and began stripping on his way to the bathroom. His head felt both stuffy and too dry at the same time, and his stomach was not impressed with him this morning. Not quite a hangover, but damned if it was far from one. Kicking off his pants, he sat down on the toilet and tried to tell his junk to just relax. It wasn't getting lucky and he had to fucking go.

But what the hell was he doing? Yeah, the whole convention weekend hookup deal was fun. He could even get into the whole threesome aspect. The big question, though, was if it was a good idea. Last time had rocked his world so hard that he'd obsessed over that woman for months. He'd debated what it meant to date a trans woman, what it said about him, and the weirdness of having Braden in the room at the same time.

Because that had been fucking hot.

Not Braden, per se. More like live-action porn. Ok, and maybe a bit of a cheat code, but he would never say that out loud. Psyc was willing to copy Braden's moves and add a few of his own, but then there was the issue that he couldn't figure out how to talk about. The woman of his dreams had a dick. Psyc was into anal enough that he didn't care, but there was nothing that bothered him more than feeling like he was out of his depth.

He'd tried to google sex with a trans woman. He'd gotten back a crap ton of results about STIs. That didn't really apply because she'd been a virgin. They'd used protection. He was all good there. But how to please her? Yeah, the internet had exactly zero help for him on that - but Braden did.

That first night, Braden had asked to spend it alone with Rhaven so he could talk out a few things. Psyc had crashed in the second bedroom, listening to the soft sounds of their voices until he'd passed out. Last night, he'd clearly passed out from a little too much celebration. Now? Well, reality was staring him in the fucking face, and he had no clue what was going on here.

Once his bladder was empty, he made his way to the shower and turned it on. While the water heated up, he brushed his teeth and wiped down his face, but his mind simply wouldn't quit. He was the hookup, the side piece - the interloper. Was it honestly fair for him to do this? Not just to Rhaven, because she was into it. Certainly not to Braden, because Psyc figured he could deal either way. No, the question was whether or not Psyc was being fair to himself.

He liked this girl. A lot. She made his pulse race and he turned into a babbling idiot around her. Rhaven looked at him like he was sexy. She made him feel like some big strong protector, and he liked all of that, but the thing that got him the most was her. Just listening to her talk for hours, or watching her face change while she played, and all the other nuances of her being her. He could work his way through the trans thing. Yeah, he might screw up a few times, but everyone had to start somewhere, right? So long as he was honest about his ignorance, he figured Rhaven could forgive him, but if he kept doing this thing with them, what was he honestly doing to himself?

Because he wasn't seeing anyone between the events. He just didn't want to. He wasn't checking out girls or going to the bar with his friends in the hopes of an easy hookup. Nothing. He logged into Eternal Combat and hoped that maybe today she'd get a little time Copyright 2016 - 2024