Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,116

a wedding?"

"Sure, for when?" Knock asked.

"Tomorrow," Logan decided. "If you can figure out what Riley would like, even better. I'm kinda leaning to Elvis."

He grinned. "Yeah, I have a feeling Elvis would definitely be a hit."

"Help me find out and then schedule it? I mean, I can't without her looking over my shoulder."

Knock nodded. "Consider it as good as done, Logan."

"And be our witness?"

Knock slapped his arm. "Oh, I'm going to be there. And I'm going to facetime Kitty for it, so she can too. We're going to make this a family affair and do it cyber style."

"That," Logan told him, "would be perfect."

Chapter 39

They made it back to the hotel to find one of the party rooms had been set up for a formal reception. There was even a cake! Jason hadn't expected that. It was a big one, with a cute couple and a little spotted dog on top. Riley made a toast. Murder made a toast. Then Bradley made a toast that was the best of them all.

"Zara, when my partner called me to say he'd met a girl, I thought he was full of it. Then he said who he'd met, and I knew it was impossible. There was no way this could work. Half the reason I told him to back off was because I was worried that this was going to crash and burn. Right here, before all of your friends and this crazy self-made family, I want to make it clear that I was wrong. You are everything he needs, and I'm so glad that man doesn't know how to obey a single rule. You're also a bit of a bitch, but that's why I have complete faith that you can keep him in line. Here's to an amazing woman. You two deserve each other in the best way."

"Thank you," Jason saw her mouth to him, and then it was time to cut the cake.

Naturally, everyone expected them to smear it all over each other, but it seemed that he and his new wife had the same idea. They both scooped up a dollop of icing and wiped it on Crysis's nose. The dog licked and licked, struggling to get his tongue up as high as they'd wiped it, and then Jason leaned in and kissed her.

"Let me steal you away?" he begged.

She nodded. "Yeah. We need to let Crysis out first?"

He shook his head because they'd already planned this out. "Bradley? Can you watch my dog for the night?"

"Always," Bradley promised.

Then Jason turned to the crowd. "Ok, ok," he said, patting the air. "I want to thank all of you for making this wedding everything we could've hoped for - and making sure I get the brownie points for it. Adam, Chance, Murder, Riley, and everyone else. I know all of you had some part in this. You've all made this a great day for both of us, so drink all the alcohol, make fools of yourselves, and I'm going to go make this marriage official."

Then he scooped up Zara and headed toward the door. She squealed, clutching at his neck, but he knew she loved it. He was also ready to see exactly what was under that dress.

"Bro. Room key," Murder said, hurrying ahead of him to the elevator. "Scuze us," he yelled at a couple. "Wedding party coming through. They have consummation on their minds."

An elderly couple stepped back, laughing at the whole ordeal, but the man reached out to hold the door when the car arrived just a little too soon. "Congratulations," he told them.

Jason stepped onto the car still holding Zara, and then Murder followed to swipe the card so they had access to the top floor. Shoving his foot in the door, he pressed the button, then leaned in to hand the card to Zara - since Jason's hands were a little full.

"Your room is off limits until at least ten tomorrow morning. Congrats, you two." And then he stepped off the car walking with a little bounce in his step.

But when the car started moving, Jason put Zara down. "And now you are officially stuck with me," he told her, feeling his lips curl. "My beautiful wife."

"Husband," she replied, reaching out to lace her fingers between his. "This was perfect. Thank you."

"I had almost nothing to do with it," he reminded her, because she'd planned this, their friends had helped, and yet it had been everything he'd dreamed of giving his wife.

"Yeah, but you showed up." Copyright 2016 - 2024