Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,111

knees while wearing this, I can guarantee that will be two days. That man will do anything you ask if you wrap those pretty lips around him."

Zara reached back to swat at him. "Do not get all pervy when I'm naked."

"Not quite naked, and that thong?" He murmured in appreciation, but his hands didn't slow down. "Also, I can say that Psyc and Braden both took Rhaven home last night. Not sure what happened after that door closed, but everything seemed good."

"She talked to Braden," Zara said. "At least, that's what Kate and I told her to do. Did you know they had a threesome in Denver?"

"Uhh..." He tied off the back of her corset and turned to get her robe from the hook on the closet door. "I can neither confirm nor deny what I may have been told."

She snatched her robe from his hand. "You knew!"

"Oh, come on," Murder groaned. "He needed to talk to someone and knew I wouldn't judge. I mean, he was freaking out a bit."

"About Rhaven?" she asked.

"No, about Braden." Murder opened the closet and began rummaging for her dress. It had been hidden in a bag that Jason knew better than to look inside. "He's in love with her. I mean, he hasn't said that, but he is."

"She's in love with Braden," Zara countered.

"And she's been friendly with Psyc for a long time," Murder said. "Look, I just know that Knock makes his mess work, so why can't they? And good for them if they do, you know? Because if Kitty screwed around, I'm sure as shit not going anywhere. Not just because of my kid, but because my pride doesn't trump the way I feel about her. Would it suck? Sure. Would I get over it? Definitely."

The whole time he talked, he was pulling out her dress. No, it was not traditional. Not at all. Then again, Zara's whole reason for getting married in Vegas was to make sure that she didn't get bound by traditions. This was supposed to be a celebration of them, and so far she and Jason had managed to do every single thing "wrong" and make it work out. Hence, her dress wasn't completely white.

As the silk fell from the bag, the purple end became visible first. The top was white, the bottom had been dip-dyed an electric violet color that she couldn't get enough of. Riley had a horrible time matching it, but she'd said she'd found something that would complement nicely. She'd also admitted that she'd been forced to call in a little backup. Zara could only guess she meant Void, but that worked out, since all the other guys were going to be helping Jason get ready while the girls helped her.

Except Riley and Murder, of course. And yes, she thought it was funny that her best friend was a guy and his a girl, but this worked for them. Zara wasn't jealous of Riley at all. Not after that first time she'd heard Jason baring his soul to her. Riley was his rock in the darkness, just like Murder was Zara's light. That he was also willing to spend the day dealing with hair, makeup, and other girly things pretty much put Murder on a pedestal, so far as Zara cared.

"Ok, I need to dry my hair, and get all of my makeup together," she told him.

Murder pointed for her to sit down. "You're being pampered. And I'm dying to know what was borrowed, since I can clearly see what is blue."

"The dress is new," Zara explained. "The veil is old, bought from a thrift shop. The lingerie is blue, and Riley brought me some earrings from Kitty that are borrowed. The only thing I'm missing is the sixpence in my shoe, but eww, no thanks."

Murder was turned away, gathering her bag of beauty supplies, but he said, "I brought a Quran. I mean, just in case."

Zara pressed a hand to her lips. "Yeah?"

"I kinda figured you weren't doing anything religious, but if you have any need, there's one in my room. Better safe than sorry, and all that."

She jumped up and hugged him as hard as she could. "Thank you! Bring it? If they want us to put our hands on a bible or something, I'll use that instead."

He leaned back and palmed the side of her face. "I am so happy for you. About everything. I'd say that if you're having second thoughts, I'll help you get away, but I've never Copyright 2016 - 2024