Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,106

it's confusing, but you also know it's right."

"But I'm not sure she'd even consider a polycule-thing." Braden rolled his eyes at the foolish word, and yet it was the only one he had to describe what he wanted from this. "Every time something happens with him, whether that's sex or just talking on TeamSpeak, she gets nervous, acting like I'm about to kick her ass to the curb or something."

"Because that's what men do, Braden," Riley explained. "Look, you just said it. You're supposed to own her, and if you cheat, I'm guessing those outdated ideas say she's supposed to forgive you because it just happened, right? And yet, here you are offering to let her have more than you get. She can only see the imbalance. She gets two lovers, so you're going to want another one. In her mind, this is you setting her up for the big reveal."

"Chance," Braden breathed. "Ah, shit."

"What?" Confusion filled Riley's voice.

"It's a long story. Just go with the fact that I get what you mean."

Riley bobbed her head and kept going. "So, if you do want to have an open relationship, put that out there. If you don't, then tell her. Set limits. Point out what you're getting from this. Even it up so her guilt isn't winning, Brae. When it comes to Psyc, she's not about to turn him down. Her problem right now is that she's trying to choose, and you keep saying she doesn't have to, so it sure feels like a setup."

"What the fuck have we men done to you women?" Braden asked.

Riley leaned back and lifted a brow. "Just take one look at Soul Reaper, and then think about that. No, Braden, he's not unusual. Men are bigger than us, stronger than us, and our society is built to give them all the power. We've been raised to put aside our needs to tend to your wants. It's so ingrained in our subconscious that when we do things like refuse to get married - such as Kitty - people get pissed at her because Murder doesn't deserve that. They think he should make her give in - because the inherent thought is that Murder's desires are worth more than Kitty's trauma from her abusive upbringing. He happens to know that pushing that issue would destroy their relationship. She wants to make it work too. What they have? It's in a healthy place right now, and it's growing. It's just not moving on everyone else's timeline. That's just one example. Now add being trans to that."

"What do I offer her?" Braden asked, looking to Cade for help. "How do I convince her that this isn't going to make me love her less?"

"Say you want 'me' time,'" Cade suggested. "A friend. Kink. Take your pick, Tank. Talk with this guy and work it out. I agree with Riley on this one. If you keep up this over-the-top sweet shit, she won't buy it. Doesn't mean it isn't true, but you said she's having issues with self-confidence, right? You're just piling on. Be fucking selfish. Tell her what you need. You. Need."

"I need her to be happy," Braden mumbled, "even if that means I'm the one paying for it."

"Rephrase," Riley told him, ignoring that last bit. "You want to make sure that she doesn't regret her lack of experience later. You're enjoying the kink. Ask to watch, or get her to tell you about what they do. Jack off to it. Or fuck her to it. Let her think it's a turn-on for you, and that her sleeping around is a kink you're ashamed to admit."

"I can do that," he said.

"And then make sure you're on the same fucking page with Psyc."

"Already did," Braden promised. "I'm sure we'll have to talk again, but he gets it. We're also both trying real hard not to beat the shit out of each other. I mean, I feel that desire to chase him off, but my logical brain says it's stupid, and I'm damned well going to let the smart part win. Fucking jealousy and whatever shit this is don't go well together."

"It's called love," Cade told him. "Jealousy and love don't mix. Jealousy is about the fear of losing out. Love is about the need to see them thrive. Kinda sounds like oil and water, huh?"

"Yes it does," Braden agreed. "And nothing sucks more than being schooled by a teenager."

Cade just grinned. "I'll just take that as a compliment. You're welcome, Tank. Copyright 2016 - 2024