Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,101

mess of it."

Psyc just pushed out a breath, letting all of his pride go with it. "What the fuck are we doing, Braden? I mean, I've always kinda thought of you as a friend. Even when she's not around, we get along pretty good, right?"

"I think so," Braden agreed.

"But lately, I want to punch you in the fucking face," Psyc admitted. "We both know how that'll go, but still. I'm willing to fight for that girl, and yet I know I shouldn't. I've been stuck in this fucking circle in my head since Denver. Lose a friend, piss off the girl, step away, just be friends, but I'm into the girl, and then it starts all over."

Braden dropped his head, but a smile touched his lips. "No, I'm right there with you. I think you're cute, Psyc. Probably crossing a lot of lines, but I've got a little bit of a celebrity crush going on. And I get that you're straight. I do, but I think maybe that has something to do with why I'm even considering this."

"Yeah?" Psyc asked, not quite sure how he felt about that.

Braden just shrugged. "Since we're putting it all out there, yeah. I have a weakness for the lean guys with brains. I mean, I've always gone for vulnerable, but this?" He gestured between them. "It's feeling fucking vulnerable as fuck. Least for me."

"Same," Psyc admitted.

"Freaked out now?" Braden asked.

That was the strangest part. Psyc wasn't. Granted, he lived in a town where Pride was a year-long event, not just a week. He'd been raised with gay neighbors and a lesbian couple ran his favorite restaurant. Straight wasn't necessarily the norm in his world - nor was it considered weird - but it didn't mean Psyc was attracted to Braden. Not in the least. Yet at the same time, it was kinda nice to know someone was into him. Even if it wasn't reciprocated.

"Still not bi," Psyc told him, "but no. Not freaked. It's kinda hot watching you with her. Kinda gives me a good idea of what to do, you know?"

"You can ask, too," Braden said.

"I'm not asking her and killing the mood," Psyc scoffed.

"I meant me, dumbass," Braden said. "Pretty sure you've never put a dick in your mouth before. Also know that treating her like a guy is a bad decision. Makes her dysphoria act up, and that will kill the mood."

Ok, no matter how many times Psyc replayed that in his mind, he couldn't make it make sense. "Just... ask you about the things I want to do to your girl?"

Braden pulled in a breath. "Yeah." Then he pushed it out. "You two have chemistry. I'm not a fucking moron. I can see that shit. Am I jealous? Yeah. I also know that you make her happy. Kinda like to think I make her happy too, so..." He offered his hand. "Team effort?"

"Our girl for the next week?" Psyc asked.

Braden nodded, so Psyc slapped his palm against the man's massive hand. They both shook on it, and then Braden stepped back. "No butt stuff without lube, bro. Spit doesn't do it. Trust me. And that's in my small bag, front zipper. I mean, if you need it before you make it over to the war room."

"Will never understand you," Psyc muttered.

"Me either," Braden agreed. "Figure it's Rhaven's fault. I was raised to be a downright sexist pig. I've spent the last five years working on that, and now? The right woman changes a man, you know? And she's more woman than most. Just do not let her go anywhere alone. KoG is still out there."

"Yeah," Psyc said. "She's either with one of us or the girls. Deal? Oh, and tell me what sage advice Knock has?"

Braden took another step back toward the door. "Does this make us bros now? I get one of those PD shirts yet?"

"Sure," Psyc decided, "as soon as you tell me what Renegade's about."

"That's top secret," Braden teased.

And then he turned, heading out the door without a backwards glance. Psyc just shook his head, wanting to cuss at the man, but unable to make himself. How the fuck could he think of Braden as not only a friend, but also his competition, and now this? Whatever the fuck this was. Like his boyfriend-in-law for the weekend, or something? Was there even a title for this much fucked-uppedness? Probably not.

But instead of worrying about it, he first sent off a text to Murder begging for help. Sadly, Copyright 2016 - 2024