The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,99

whisper in her ear as my tongue plays along the lobe before trailing softly down her neck. The taste of her sends fire through my body. I can’t resist her any longer.

“You didn’t call,” she says breathlessly, trying to fight her desire.

“I know. I’m an idiot. Forgive me?” I ask, my mouth still softly kissing her neck, her ear, and then trailing back to her lips.

“That depends,” she says, hardly able to keep her composure. I feel the goose bumps forming on her body where my mouth is making its trail. “What changed? Why are you here?”

I stop playing with her and look into her eyes so that she knows I am sincere. “As of right now, nothing has changed. I’m here because it doesn’t matter if there is a baby or not, or if it’s mine or not, I’ll always love you. Pushing you away isn’t going to change that. I know you. You love me and you’ll love that baby if it is mine because that’s who you are. I can’t change what happened, I made a mistake, but whatever comes of this I want you with me.”

There was silence between us for a minute as I held her gaze to mine.

“I’ve made mistakes, too and you’ve always stood by me. You know me better than anyone. Anything that is a part of you is a part of me, but you can’t think you are protecting me by pushing me away; it’s not right.”

“I promise. I will never let you go. We do this together, whatever the outcome.”

“I love you so much, Mikey. It drove me crazy thinking that you believed we didn’t belong together.”

“I’m sorry.” I kiss her again. “Just so you know, I didn’t think for a second that we don’t belong together. That, I always knew. I thought I was protecting you from having to be a part of something you weren’t prepared for.” My lips softly brush against hers.

“Now that we cleared that up, can we get out of the alley before we get arrested?” I plant one more kiss before taking her by the hand and leading her to my bike. I hand her my jacket and helmet. She climbs on the back and wraps her arms tightly around my waist as we speed towards my condo.

As soon as I park, I climb off and then help her, immediately pulling her to me and kissing her. It’s all I thought about on the way home. We can barely keep our hands off one another. I can literally feel the blood pumping through my body as we clumsily make our way to the door. Our bodies are molded together, our mouths not giving up each other for air. I fumble with my keys with one hand while the other runs up and down her body, holding her tightly against me. De’s hands make their way to the waist of my jeans as she frantically reaches for the button.

We stumble through the door, laughing as I guide her to the bedroom. Once inside, we make our way to the bed. I reach for the top drawer in my nightstand, but she tells me she’s protected. I momentarily worry what she must think of me, given my current situation. She senses my uneasiness and tells me that she loves me as she takes my hand and pulls me down on the bed with her.

I begin to slow things down just a bit. I want to take my time with her. Savor every second. I’ve waited so long for this moment that I don’t want to rush through it.

I gently kiss her lips, while my eyes remain focused on hers. Slowly, I lift her sweater over her head and take the time to softly kiss her lips and travel slowly down her neck, her collarbone, finally stopping at the top of her breast. I return to her enticing full lips, while my fingers retrace the steps of my mouth. I take pleasure watching the way she responds to my touch. She pushes up my shirt, keeping her eyes on mine, and I help her by pulling it over my head. I slowly unbutton her shorts and carefully slide them down, along with her leggings. My hands gently caress her legs while only leaving her dressed in her black lacey bra and underwear. My eyes drift over her flawless body, admiring every inch of it. I want her so bad, but I’m enjoying watching her as I softly Copyright 2016 - 2024