The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,96

and friends.”

“How do I act around him?”

“The same way you always have.”


Once back in Tampa, I try taking my mom’s advice and try to act as normal as possible around him, but he’s making it awkward. Every time we’re in the same place at the same time, he tenses up and leaves the room. He’s barely said anything to me since I’ve been back. It’s frustrating and upsetting. The one thing I’m most afraid of is losing the friendship we share.

About a week after I’m back, Lora Rae is spotted leaving a famous celebrity ob-gyn office. The tabloids jump all over the story and rumors of her pregnancy spread along with speculations of who the father is.

JJ tells me Lora Rae called him and asked him to fly out to LA to be with her because she’s worried about tarnishing her reputation. Sure she is. It was already reported that they had broken up. She’s hoping to do some damage control… I’ll bet, I think sarcastically.



Feeling obligated, I decide to go, figuring it will be a good opportunity to keep an eye on her. If she is carrying my baby, I feel I have the right to know if she stopped her partying ways. I want to be sure she is taking care of herself properly.

As soon as we are spotted together, the speculation is pointed at me. As much as Lora Rae protests to me that she is upset that the information leaked out to the media, I can’t seem to shake the feeling that she is enjoying the attention. Her publicist refuses to confirm or deny the rumor.

While here, I don’t dare give her an ounce of false hope thinking there may be a chance for us. I try talking with her about getting a prenatal paternity test, but she refuses. She says there may be a chance it can harm the baby and she doesn’t want to take the chance. I have to respect her wishes. She has every right to refuse if that’s how she feels about it, but once the baby is born, I will force the issue.

I fly back home for the start of spring training, I’m due to report in less than a week. I stop by Lora Rae’s apartment to say good-bye before heading to the airport, telling her I’ll be back as soon as I can and if she needs anything to give me a call.

I rest my head on the backseat of the cab and close my eyes, trying to rid myself of the headache that is forming across my skull. How could I have gotten myself into this mess at this point in my life? I’ll admit I was reckless when I was younger; looking back, this could have happened to me back then. However, ever since I was given this opportunity, I’ve always tried to keep my head on straight. I’m definitely no Saint, but I’m always careful. My thoughts are interrupted by the annoying ring of my phone.

“Hello?” I ask, distracted by the noise that is swirling around my head.



I’m tired of sitting around, feeling sorry for myself. Mikey has been in LA all week and he hasn’t contacted me. All I do is think of him, the least he can do is give me a call and check in, we’ve always done at least that.

I’ve been keeping busy with school and studying. I think I need to get out and have a good time. I also need to break loose from all of the happy couples surrounding me, not that I don’t love them, but in my spare time, I’m either hanging with Luke and JJ at their house, or hanging with Mya and Dan at our apartment. Yes, even my new roommate is in love. What are the chances of that? Mya has finally crossed to the dark side and entered the light. I don’t even have her to sit around and be miserable with. As I sit here wallowing in my self-pity, Mya and Dan have come home from their dinner date.

“Hi, De. We brought you some Chinese food if you’re hungry,” Mya greets me cheerfully.

“Thanks, sure,” I say, dragging my feet to the kitchen. I tear off the paper of the chopsticks and dig into the container of vegetable lo mien, watching Dan and Mya as they playfully dance around the kitchen.

Mya takes notice of my gloomy mood. “Have you heard from Mr. MVP?” she asks gently, aware of the situation.

“No. He hasn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024