The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,95

how I feel about your sister. You know I’d never treat her with anything except respect and love. You should at least know that about me, without me having to say it.” I look at him long and hard before continuing, “It doesn’t matter anyway. She knows about Lora Rae. I already told her I wouldn’t let her be involved with this shit. It was over between us before it ever got started… So, you don’t have to worry about me dragging your sister into this. I put it to rest.”

“Look. I didn’t mean what I said. I know you would never hurt her. Shit, you’ve been there for her more than me the last few years. God knows I was wrapped up in my own problems long enough while you picked up the pieces for everyone,” he says, softening his tone. “What did she have to say about it?”

“I think she’s hurt, but she’ll get over it. It’s not like we had this big love affair going on or anything. I mean, Lora Rae called literally like five minutes after I told her how I felt. It wasn’t even long enough for either one of us to process it.”



“Does she feel the same way?” I know the answer before I even ask the question. Thinking back, the signs were there all along. They’ve always had a special bond between them.

“It doesn’t matter now.”

“I think it does.”

“She said she’s in love with me, too.” Mikey looks me straight in the eyes. I see the pain in my friend’s face. “Like I said, it doesn’t matter now,” he repeats.

“I know my sister and if she feels the same way, it matters.”

“Yeah, well, I won’t involve her in this. It may get ugly. I made it clear to De we will never be more than friends.”

“Wow. Déjà vu. I tried that before, remember? You see how that worked out. If there’s one thing I learned it’s that if two people love each other, then one of them doesn’t get to tell the other how they should or should not feel. I think you may have said something like that to me at one point, not so long ago.” I look at him slyly, reminding him of a conversation we had a couple of years ago pertaining to me and JJ.

“That was different. You and JJ were already in deep back then when all of that went down. De and I haven’t even started anything.”

I didn’t say anything, yet I think he gets the point of what I’m trying to tell him. By this time, we’ve done a full circle and reached the parking lot where our bikes are parked.



“It’ll work out. Maybe Lora Rae is lying.”


“Thanks for telling me all of it. I know it wasn’t easy for you to admit that to me.”

“You have no idea.”

“I’m guessing JJ knows?”

“Yeah, she knows… way before I did.”

I laugh, remembering all of the hints she’s dropped about them over the years.

Chapter 24


I fly home for a few days following Lora Rae’s big news. I need my mom. She loves Mikey like a son. I want to discuss the situation with her and get her advice.

“Sweetie, he’s been in love with you for as long as I can remember, but right now, he needs his space. Give him a chance to figure things out. There is no doubt how he feels about you, but this is no way to begin a relationship. It wouldn’t be fair to either one of you right now,” my mom says as we cuddle on the couch, sipping our morning coffee.

“It’s going to hurt watching her have his baby, but I don’t want to give him up because of it either. He pushed me away. He thinks by letting me go that he is sparing me from being involved in this mess.”

“It’s a trait that he and your brother share. They push the people they love away because they think they are protecting them. You think he would have learned his lesson by watching what Luke went through. Be patient Deanna. Like I said, give him his space. Give him time to work this out. He will do the right thing by you and his baby.”

“Mom, if it is his baby. He’s not even sure.”

“That’s what I’m saying, be patient. Give him a chance to find out exactly what he is dealing with. I have faith that he knows what he’s doing. Go back and focus on your school work Copyright 2016 - 2024