The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,92

and kissing her on the cheek.

“Hey.” She wraps her arms around him, hugging him tightly. “How are you?”

“I’ve been better.” He sits down on the couch next to me.

He places his hand on my knee and I put my hand on top of his and squeeze it. Regardless of what went on between us earlier, we are friends, all of us. We stick by each other in good times and bad. I’ll always support him.

“Where’s Luke?” he asks.


“Does he know?”

“No. I figured you would want to tell him yourself,” JJ responds.

“Yeah, can’t wait,” he says dryly. “I’ll catch up with him in the morning.”

“Well, I’ll leave you two to talk. I love you guys,” JJ says, hugging us goodbye.

“What are you going to tell Luke when you get in?” he asks.

“He’ll be sleeping. I’m not going to wake him. I’ll leave it to you to tell him.” She smiles.

“Yeah, right, he has radar when you’re around, he’ll pop up the second you walk in the door,” Mikey says, cracking a smile.

She laughs. “No, he’ll be exhausted. He’s been painting all night.” Before she turns the knob to leave, she says, “Oh, and Mikey, I think I’ll sleep in tomorrow, so make sure you get him out of the house early. I don’t want him asking me questions in the morning and having to lie about it.”

“Got it. I’ll swing by early and pick him up for breakfast.”



I look into Deanna’s sad eyes, the last thing I wanted to do was hurt her. I swore to myself—once I admitted to her that I loved her—I would never hurt her and within a matter of minutes, that’s exactly what I did.

Why did I have to tell her tonight how I felt? I should have just met with Lora Rae as planned. She would have told me about the pregnancy and then I would have never admitted my true feelings to De. It would have spared her from involving her in this situation, but now, it’s too late. I said it, she felt it and there’s no taking it back.

“I’m sorry,” I finally get past the lump in my throat.

“What did she say?” Deanna asks.

“Basically, she’s pregnant and she’s known for a few days.”

“Are you sure it’s yours?”

“No. She swears she hasn’t been with anyone else, though.”

“Do you believe her?”

“I have doubts.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Of course I’ll ask her to take a paternity test.”

“We’ll figure it out together,” she says, reaching out to touch my face. I gently grab her arm before she can touch me. I can’t have her hands touch my skin. I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop myself from taking her as my own. It’s too risky.

“We are not going to figure this out. This is not your problem and I will not drag you into this.”

“What? Are we supposed to act like what we said to each other and how it felt, never happened?”

Now that I actually had a taste of her, I could never forget what had happened between us, but what I want and what I have to do are two different things.

“It was a mistake. You know me. I got caught up in the moment. De, you know me well enough to know that you’re not the first person I’ve sweet talked to get what I want,” I lie through my teeth. I’ve never told anyone that I loved them, no matter what the situation.

“You know that’s not true,” she says sternly, boring her fiery eyes into mine. She does know me well. I lower my gaze unable to look at her.

“You’re right, but it doesn’t matter now. I’ll never act on it again,” I say, unable to lie to her another time.

Before I finish the sentence, she maneuvers herself over me, pressing her body against mine as she begins to kiss me with passion and intensity. All I can think about is how perfect her body fits with mine and that quick, my body responds to her touch and my mouth covers hers as my hands roam her body. Just as swiftly, though, I suppress the feelings and abruptly push her aside and stand up.

“Don’t, De. Don’t do this. You’re gonna embarrass yourself and then you’ll end up hating me forever. I can’t have that. I have too much on my mind right now than to be worrying about hurting your feelings.”

I have to be hard on her. If not, I will cave and give in to her and then I’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024