The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,88

the gap between us and throwing my phone and keys on the table.

“No, De, not like that. I mean, I’m in love with you. Like crazy, sick in love with you. I don’t know why, but I just couldn’t say it out loud till now. I mean, I’ve loved you since I was twelve. I was just afraid to admit it.”

I stand here in front of her, unable to move. My chest is pulsating from the rapid beat of my heart. I’m finally baring my soul, hoping she feels the same way. Terrified, yet relieved at the same time to finally have it out in the open.

Every time Luke talked to me about his feelings for JJ, the shockwaves that travel through his body when she’s near, the pounding of his heart at the mention of her name, the need to always be in her life, I always laughed at Luke, made fun of him, but in reality, I know exactly what Luke is feeling. They are the same feelings I have whenever Deanna is near me, or away from me, for that matter. I couldn’t admit it to myself, let alone anyone else until now.

“Mikey?” she asks, unable to break her gaze from my eyes.


“I’m scared.”

“Me, too.”

“Why are you scared?” she asks, surprised.

‘“Cause I don’t know what you’re thinking.”

“I’m thinking… Why did you wait so long to tell me?” She takes that one last step towards me so that our bodies are touching. She reaches up to touch my face and I pull her to me and softly kiss her mouth, just as I had done once before. I pull back to look in her eyes and I see passion. My lips part open and my tongue touches hers. I explore her mouth, my heart beats more rapidly when her fingers run through my hair, she kisses me with such intensity that a fire burns inside me. My fingers slide down her neck and my mouth traces their path. My hands roam her body as she pulls my mouth to hers once again. We can’t let go until we satisfy the craving we’ve been denying for so long.

“I’m in love with you, too,” She admits, pulling her mouth away only long enough to get the words out as chills run through my body, followed by intense heat.

My hands cup her face as I take her mouth again, tasting what I’ve been missing and wanting for years. This is where we belong. There is no one else for us.

We clumsily begin to make our way to the bedroom. It’s hard to do, considering we refuse to remove our lips from one another. My arm is around her waist, molding her body with mine. I want her to feel how badly I want her. The phone on the table begins to vibrate once again.

“Mikey, you should get that,” she says breathlessly, her tongue tracing right below my ear.

“I can’t,” I say, again taking her mouth to mine, guiding her towards my room.

“You should. End this with her tonight. I want you all to myself,” she demands, unable to pull herself away as she continues to press herself against my hard body.

“You’ve always had me to yourself.”

“But I never knew that till now.” She kisses me heatedly one last time before regretfully backing away. “At least answer her call.” I look at her, my breathing erratic. I’m torn. I don’t want to lose this moment, but then again, this is hopefully the start of a lot of these moments.

“Just so we’re clear, I want you so badly it hurts right now. I don’t want to let you go at all. I love you so much and it took us so long to get to this point, yet I want her to know that you are done. I don’t want her interrupting us with phone calls every five minutes. It’s insane.” She says.

I let out a sigh. “I know.” I need to stop this craziness. I want De completely, no interferences, but I’m nervous to take this call. Lora Rae is acting more desperate than usual, calling literally every five minutes. I don’t want to ruin this moment with Deanna. I waited a long time to get to this place and something about the way Lora Rae keeps calling, makes me uneasy.

Deanna reluctantly hands me the phone. She gives me a half-hearted smile, trying to reassure me that it is okay to take the call. I can tell she’s feeling as uneasy as Copyright 2016 - 2024