The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,82

as I wait beneath the trellis that’s covered in sheer tulle, hibiscus flowers and white lights with Deanna and Mikey standing on each side of me.

My eyes are glued to her as she walks through the white flickering lights of votive candles that create a path, guiding her towards me. Once she reaches me, David places her hand in mine. As soon as I take her hand and hold it in mine, my body instantly feels warmth, and a sense of calm settles over me once her soft hand tightens around mine.

The Pastor continues with the ceremony leading up to our vows. We turn to face each other while our guests look on. I place my left hand softly along the side of her face as my lips brush gently against her right ear as I whisper my vows.

“I promise these words to you and your mom, knowing she is here with us right now as I profess the love I feel for you… The moment I saw you, I saw love. The moment I touched you, I felt love… I promise you that if I ever find myself in a difficult situation, I will run to you and lean on you, knowing you will be strong for me.

You’ve taught me that we are stronger together. And together, we can face any challenges that may come our way. I will always be here for you whenever you need me… I will always honor our friendship, knowing that is what brought us together. I will love you and cherish you, always. I will do my best to always make you smile and keep your heart full of love, just as you do mine.”

I turn to Mikey, who hands me her ring, and then I take her left hand in mine as I look into her sparkling, but dampened eyes. “I’ve told you before, you were made especially for me… And with this ring, I am giving you my all,” I say aloud as I glide the ring on her finger. I use my thumb to wipe away the tear that escapes her eyes as I give her a smile.

She places her hand along the right side of my face; I lean towards her as she speaks softly into my left ear. “Luke, when I am with you, I feel whole. You made me feel alive from the very first day I met you. You make me laugh. You let me cry when I need to. You fill me heart with so much love. You are every breath that I take. You are my heart and soul. I promise to love you, take care of you and always stand by you, and I know you will always do the same for me. Together we will raise our family, showing them the same kind of love that our parents have always shown us. I promise to continue to share our secrets, hopes and dreams.”

She turns slightly to the side to take the ring from Deanna. She returns her eyes to mine as she takes my left hand in hers. “You are my best friend. You are my world, and with this ring I promise to love you always,” she says as she slides the ring onto my finger.

Inside, my body feels like a volcano about to erupt. I’m overcome with emotion, but manage to keep my composure. I whisper, “Thank you,” to her for believing and trusting in me. I will never forget how it feels to live without her, and I’m forever thankful that she has given me her complete self once again.

The Pastor takes our hands and joins them together. "Father, bless these rings which Luciano and Jesse have exchanged. Let them be visible signs of the inward and spiritual bond which unites their hearts. As they receive these rings from each other, may they testify to the world of the Covenant made between them here." The Pastor continues with his closing of the ceremony and I’m finally able to kiss my wife.

After the ceremony, we are brought in to the exquisitely decorated private dining area where we dine on Chilean Sea Bass and Filet.

Being that it is New Year’s Eve, JJ and I want the evening to be fun for our guests as well. The Blue Martini’s VIP lounge hosts a yearly New Year’s Eve Bash that is open to the public, but we’ve reserved an area in the upstairs lounge with tables and a private bar, roped off only Copyright 2016 - 2024