The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,80

who loves me. You’ve spent many nights listening to me, talking to me and offering advice just as I know my own mom would have done. You have taken my dad and me in, always making us feel as if we were a part of your family right from the very start. I love you for that.”

Needless to say, we are all hysterical at this point, knowing the problems JJ suffered as a result of losing her mom and how she was able to overcome them. I’m thankful that I have yet to put on my own dress because my make-up is ruined as well. The knock on the door breaks us from our frenzy of tears as all three of us accidently smudge what’s left of our make-up across our faces, trying to hide the fact that we’re crying. I rush to the door and barely crack it open.

“Is everything alright in here?” David asks as I allow him to enter and he sees all of our swollen faces.

My mom, who is still too emotional to speak, waves around her hand, giving him a signal that everything is alright.

“Yeah, David, it’s fine,” I answer. “We’ll leave you two alone a minute.” We close the door behind us.



“What’s wrong?” my dad asks, putting his arms around me and getting emotional himself. I burst into tears once again at my father’s touch.

“Daddy, I was telling Maria how much it means to me to have her in my life, and I started thinking of Mommy and how badly I miss her. I wish she could be with me today.”

“Okay, sweetie, its fine. She is here. She’s always here with you,” he says comforting me while I know he’s trying to keep his own composure.

I know my dad is thinking the same thing. He would love to be standing by my mom’s side, holding her hand as they watch me say my vows.

“How ‘bout I get Luke?” He knows Luke is always the one to put a smile on my face, especially when I’m missing my mom. I never even have to say it to him.

“No, no. He can’t see me. Besides, look at me.” I gesture towards my face. “I’m a mess, my eyes are so puffy.” I look in the mirror and start to laugh as I grab a tissue and wipe my red, stuffy nose.

“You look beautiful,” he says, laughing with me.

“Go get my girls back in here. We’re not going out there looking ugly. We need a redo on the make-up.”

Thankfully, Deanna and I think alike and she’s already on it, there is no way in hell we are walking out of here with puffy eyes.



I have a few quiet minutes to myself while my dad, Mikey and David socialize with our guests. I pace the brightly lit room, anxiously waiting for the ceremony to begin. It’s not that I’m nervous, I’m not. I’m just really excited to begin our lives together. Really together.

I laugh to myself, thinking about how adorable she looked last night in her oversized USF t-shirt and shorts, pushing me away from her as I tried my hardest to force her to stay at the condo with me. She insisted on going back to her own apartment for the night. It was the first night we’ve spent apart since we’ve been back together. I’m just hoping I can keep it together when I see her walking down the aisle towards me this evening.

I sit down on the bench by the window as the sun begins to set, and twirl the black velvet box in my hands. I open it up and stare at Olivia’s wedding band, knowing the extent of the trust David has in me for giving me this gift. It means the world to me because I know what this ring signifies for him. Giving JJ her mother’s ring will mean more to her than any ring I could have possibly had made for her. We’ve discussed the ring beforehand, so there will be no surprises on this day.

I say a prayer, promising Olivia that I will always protect and love their daughter in every way that she deserves. She is and always will be everything that matters to me.

We’ve decided to write our own vows. JJ is nervous about saying them aloud in front of our guests. I suggested we do something different than the traditional way and just whisper them softly to each other when the time comes. To me, this Copyright 2016 - 2024