The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,73

begin our life together. We’re thinking something small, but something that will be fun for everyone.

Chapter 18


Mikey is swarmed by guys and girls the second we step foot into CJ’s. He’s become a huge celebrity in our little town instead of just a hometown hero.

“Great, if his head gets any bigger, he’ll never make it through the door,” I mumble to myself while he takes me by the hand—making my heart flutter—and leading me to the back bar to meet our friends. I’d only admit it to myself, but I’m really proud of him.

It’s great seeing everyone again. I spot Cathy and Lori first. It’s odd seeing Lori without Matt, they broke up before heading back to college this year, but they still keep in touch. Who knows, maybe one day they’ll end up together again. Billy is also close by, but he’s busy hooking up with a girl we used to go to school with. Everyone is hoping JJ and Luke show up, they’re looking forward to seeing them and congratulating them on their engagement.

I find myself watching Mikey from across the bar. For some reason, I’m jealous of all the attention he’s receiving. Girls are practically throwing themselves at him. I mean, it’s always been this way, but somehow it feels different to me now. I keep an eye on him as he hangs out at the bar with his friends and throws back a shot. I guess he’s probably filling them in about his hot, new, celebrity girlfriend and life in LA. He hasn’t stopped talking and they look like they’re hanging onto every word he says.

Almost at the same time, the girls and I spot Alexa across the crowded bar. She’s with her friends from high school and a few people that I don’t recognize. I’m hoping it doesn’t ruin JJ’s and Luke’s night if they do decide to show up.

Lori taps me on the shoulder to tell me that Mikey is trying to get my attention. When I turn to face him, he motions for me to come over and I make my way over to meet him.

“Hey, what’s up?” I ask.

He places his arm across my shoulder. “Are you okay? Do you need anything?” His bright blue eyes focus on mine.

A fluttery feeling comes over me and a chill runs down my spine. It’s a feeling that is becoming all too familiar whenever I am with him. It’s been there for as long as I can remember, but I’ve always managed to keep it buried inside. Yet, since we’ve been living apart, whenever I see him it seems to hit me harder. We’ve always been close and I’ve always felt something strong for him, but assumed it was because of the fact that we grew up together in the same house. However, as we get older, my feelings are intensifying and I’m not sure what to do about it.

“What are you drinking?” he asks, his gaze fixates on my mouth.

“Vodka and Cranberry,” I answer, unable to break away from his eyes.

He orders me a drink as he slides his hand under my hair, massaging the back of my neck with his thumbs and fingers.

“Are you having fun?” he asks.

“Yes. Are you?”

“Yeah, I’m havin’ fun watchin’ you,” he answers and I roll my eyes.

“Why do you do that?” He gives me a flirtatious smile.


“Roll your eyes when I say somethin’ nice to you.”

“Are you drunk?”

“A little,” He admits, smiling. “So?”

He’s leaning on the bar so that he is eye-level with me and his face is so close that I can smell that he is chewing his favorite cinnamon gum. For some reason, he’s making me nervous, but I like the idea of him flirting with me.

Before I have a chance to respond, we are interrupted by a girl I went to high school with. Cyndi Tollin, an acquaintance of mine; we’ve never hung out, but I know her from hanging around. She’s got these sexy, blue eyes and jet-black hair that all of my guy friends find attractive. Something about her made me always find her annoying in high school, though.

“Hi, Deanna, how are you? You look great,” she says in a phony, upbeat way.

“She does, doesn’t she?” Mikey chimes in as his eyes roam up and down my body.

“Thanks, so do you,” I answer, giving him a nudge in the gut.

“Are you two together now?” Cyndi asks bluntly.

Mikey’s eyes bore into mine. A sly grin crosses his lips while they wait for my response.

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