The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,54

you.” I’m not sure what I’m feeling or what to say to make this less uncomfortable.

“Jesse, stop. Don’t worry about that. I know at the time you meant what you said, but seeing your reaction when you saw him… I knew and, to be honest, I have to respect the fact that he was one hundred percent up front about his feelings for you.” He laughs. “The point is, I do not want there to be awkwardness between us. You work here and I would like you to continue working here. Like I said, I admire your talent, your input, and your knowledge.”

“Frank, thank you for understanding. I do love working here. You’ve taught me so much. I love being surrounded by all of this beautiful artwork. You’ve been such a good friend and I’m sorry,” I say as I walk towards him to give him a hug.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. Now that we settled that… go check out that painting. I’m anxious to hear what you think.” He gives me a smile as he pats me on my back.

Relief consumes me and thankfully we are able to spend the remainder of the evening working together and discussing art without having tension between us. I know in my heart that Frank has admirably given me an out. I’m confident, that in time, we will get past it. Our relationship never had time to develop and Frank is a good-looking, successful man. I know he’ll be fine.

As I step out of the gallery, the warm evening breeze feels good against my face. I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with the fresh air. I’m looking forward to getting home and, if I admit it to myself, I’m looking forward to seeing Luke. I feel anxious, wondering what he will be like; will he seem different to me?

I have yet to break it to Mya that she will be accompanying us to the ice cream parlor. She’s working till eight. I don’t want to give her a heads up in fear that she’ll have time to come up with a good excuse as to why she can’t come. I want to face her while I ask, with a desperate look on my face, of course. She won’t be able to resist. After finishing up the last bit of school work, I jump in the shower, while the clock slowly ticks by. What if he forgets or changes his mind? I look at my clock for the tenth time.

Finally, my phone rings and I recognize the number from earlier.


“Hi, JJ. How was your day?”

“It was good,” I answer, trying to steady my voice.

“I figured you were busy, I didn’t want to bother you earlier. I forgot to ask what time you’d be done working. We’re still on for ice cream tonight, right?”

“If you want.”

“Of course, what time?” he says merrily, ignoring the reluctance in my voice.

“Mya should be home any minute, how about around nine?”

“Sounds good; see you in a little bit.”

I almost ask if he needs directions, but then remember that he dropped me off at my apartment the other night.

“Hey, Luke, how did you know where I lived?” I ask curiously.

He laughs. “I don’t know… I just did.” He doesn’t elaborate.

I’m distracted from pressing the issue by Mya walking through the door, looking exhausted and not in the mood for company. “Okay, I’ll see you in a little bit,” I say, quickly ending my call with Luke so I can talk to Mya.

“Hi, Mya,” I greet her cheerfully.

“Uh oh… what do you want, Jesse?” she asks gloomily.

“What? What makes you think I want something?” I give her a smile.

“Because you look cute and cheery, you’re never cheery. Always cute, never cheery.”

“Thanks,” I answer sarcastically as I slip in my question. “Please do me a huge favor. I know you just walked in, but, please, you have to say yes,” I plead.

“Shit, Jess. What? I knew you wanted something.” She’s annoyed with me. I fill her in and being the good friend that she is, she reluctantly agrees.

While I busy myself around the apartment, trying to shake off the nerves, Mya goes outside to smoke a cigarette while waiting for Luke to arrive.



I can hardly believe she agrees to go out with me tonight. I’m ecstatic, except for the fact that Mya is coming along. However, at this point, I’ll take whatever I can get. It’s a start. That’s all I can ask for.

I pull up to her apartment Copyright 2016 - 2024