The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,53

I have work after school,” I answer much too quickly.

“What about when you’re finished work?”

“I told Mya I would help her with something and I have a lot of school work. I don’t think I’ll be able—”

“Ah, c’mon. How about after that? Just for ice cream, Mya can come, too.”

He’s persistent. I contemplate whether or not to agree, but, if Mya comes…

“Hello… Are you still there?” he asks after a long period of silence.

“I’m thinking.”

“C’mon, it’s ice cream. What’s there to think about?” he teases.

“I guess,” I whisper, not really sure if I said it out loud.

“Awesome,” he answers enthusiastically. I guess I did say it out loud. “I’ll call you later. You can let me know a time that works for you.” He pauses. “You’re not going to cancel on me, right? You know, like hang up the phone and spend the rest of the day thinkin’ up a good excuse?”

“No, I won’t. Especially since you just brought it up, it would be too obvious,” I say dryly, attempting to make a joke.

He laughs, catching my sarcasm. “Cool. Thanks. I’ll see you later,” he says cheerfully. I hang up the phone and suddenly realize I feel those butterflies again instead of the bats that have taken over my body the last couple of years.

I somehow manage to get through school and I even spend time in the student center, getting my work completed so I won’t have to worry about it later.

While I change into my work clothes, it hits me like a ton of bricks. I have yet to face Frank since the night Luke confronted me at the game. Guilt overcomes me, thinking about how fast I had forgotten. He’s been a good friend to me the last several months. I’ve really grown to care about this man and I don’t want to hurt him.

When I arrive at the gallery, I poke my head into the office, expecting to be greeted by Jazz. Instead, Frank is working at his desk. I didn’t notice his car when I came in.

“Hi, Frank,” I say sheepishly.

“Hi, Jesse, how are you today?” he asks casually, doing paperwork.

“Good. Is Jazz in?”

“She called out today,” he answers.

“Where have you been?” I ask, trying to make conversation.

“I had a few auctions to attend.”

“Did you find anything good?” Auctions are one of the things I enjoy attending with Frank. He picks up some really interesting pieces of artwork when he goes. He’s taught me different things to look for while making purchases.

“Yeah, I did. It’s in the back; go take a look, let me know what you think,” he says excitedly. This is why I like spending time with Frank. We both have the same enthusiasm when it comes to discussing art and discovering new pieces. I turn to leave so I can check out his new find, feeling as if I’ve been let off the hook. “Actually, Jesse, come sit for a minute. There’s something I would like to talk with you about,” he calls out before I have a chance to escape. So much for being let off the hook.

I slowly turn around and walk towards Jazz’s desk, across from Frank. I’ve been dreading this conversation, but knew we had to have it. I have a lot of respect for Frank, and I owe him an explanation, but finding the words is not coming easy for me.

He puts down his pen, leans back in his chair and folds his hands on his desk. He senses my uneasiness and takes the lead. “I guess you know what this is about?” he asks, looking me in the eyes. I nod. “I want you to know that the reason I hired you is because of your knowledge of art history. I value your opinion and I admire your work. As far as I’m concerned, nothing has changed. About the other night… you need to do what makes you happy. I can see that there is a lot of history between you and Luke. Things seem to be left unsettled between the two of you. I think we both know that you and I will never really be more than friends.”

“But Frank… ” I cut in, finding my voice, “…the other night, you asked me how I felt about you. I feel as if I misled you. I swear, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t think he would ever come back. I wanted to move on, but then, suddenly, he’s here and… I really do care about Copyright 2016 - 2024