The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,52

I’m fine with it. It’ll give you two a chance to talk. Then you and I can sit down together and you can give me some feedback,” I joke.

“Done.” He laughs.

Later that night, after my shift, Mya and I arrive home within minutes of each other. I heat up the leftovers I brought from the restaurant while Mya whips up a pitcher of margaritas. We sit on the couch and talk. I tell her about Luke and my dad being at the game together.

“Jess, you know I’m not the nicest person in the world. I live to give people a hard time, but I have to say… he’s pretty fuckin’ irresistible. I feel for you. I tried to give him such a hard time last night, but even I caved. What are you going to do?”

I laugh, remembering old times. Luke had always been that way. I tell her about high school and how all of the teachers loved him, how he always got out of trouble; got us both out of trouble.

“I used to get so mad at him for it,” I say, laughing. “Even, my dad loves him,” I add, shaking my head. “But even though he got away with a lot, he was never a smart ass about it. Now, Mikey on the other hand, he was the smart ass.”

“That, I can see.” Mya laughs.

It feels good to be able to talk about some of the good times for a change. I wouldn’t allow myself to remember any of it for a long time.



David and I have a good night. It gives us the chance to discuss JJ. I recap everything I told her last night. I tell him I’m thinking of giving her a call. David reinforces to me not to push her into something she isn’t ready for. I agree and tell him I’m hoping to at least start off by rebuilding our friendship. I figure it’s a good place to start. That, I can live with.

Chapter 14


The aroma of coffee fills the air as my dad and I sit at an outside café and enjoy our breakfast. He seems happy with the way I’m handling things. He’s surprised at how relaxed I seem, considering the circumstances. I want to leave him with a good feeling so that he’s not worrying about me while he’s home.

Before heading to the airport, he drops me off at school.

I still have a good twenty-five minutes to kill before class so I stroll towards the lake near the fine arts building. Spreading my sweatshirt on the grass, I sit down and take in the fresh air while reading through my art history notes. I have a test coming up at the end of the week and I’ve been lacking in the studying department as of late. As I get through the second page, I’m interrupted by the buzzing of my phone sitting on the green grass beside me. I answer, not recognizing the number.


“Hey, JJ,” The voice on the other end is not who I’m expecting. I freeze. “JJ, are you there?”

“Uh-huh,” is all that I can manage to come from my mouth.

“Mikey said you didn’t have class till ten so I figured I’d give you a call to see how you’re doin’, do you have a minute?” Luke says sounding a bit winded. I know the tone of his voice as if it’s my own. He’s nervous, but trying to conceal it.

“Uh… I guess. I’m at school now. My dad dropped me off on his way to the airport, but I have a few minutes before I have to get to class.”

“I won’t keep you. That’s right, he’s leavin’ today. We had a good time at the game. It sucks they lost, though. It would have been nice to win the series at home.”

“Yeah, I think they’ll be okay. They only need one more.”

“Mikey left for Texas this morning.”

“I know… are you going?”

“I wish I could, but I can’t. I’m working with the pitching coach all week. I’m actually here now, but I’m on a break… I have to get back soon.”

“Oh okay, I’ll let you go then,” I answer, cutting him off. My nerves are getting the best of me. It’s difficult making small talk with him, talking as if we’re strangers.

“Whoa… slow down.” He chuckles. “I have a few minutes.” A pause. “I want to ask you somethin’.”

“Oh.” My stomach swirls.

“I was wondering if maybe you felt like getting something to eat with me later.”

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