The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,51

I loved that house, no matter how much work it needed, and Mikey knew it. We continue up the driveway of the freshly remodeled house and Mikey puts the key in the door.

“No, I’m serious. This is my house,” he says as he opens the door to a house that is equally as beautiful on the inside. “Actually I sign the papers next week. What do you think?”

“This is awesome,” I answer, walking around. It’s basically the same layout as the other house, but only modern. We walk out onto the covered lanai with the in-ground pool overlooking the canal. “Awesome,” I repeat, getting ideas of some things I’d like to do in our house.

“Thanks. The realtor gave me the key to get in today. I wanted you to see it.”

“Did you really keep my house?” I ask, still unable to grasp it.

“Yeah. I knew how much it meant to you. I figured if you changed your mind, then you can sell it yourself, but you better not now that I’m your neighbor.”

“Thanks. I won’t, but it won’t be the same if she doesn’t want me back.”

“Give her some time.”

“Definitely. I’ll give her as much time as she needs, I’m not going to push her.” I had to keep saying it over and over again to remind myself not to push her. All I want to do is push her.

After we are through looking around, we head to my house. I open the door to find everything inside the way it was back then. “Wow, it does look like shit compared to yours,” I joke as we walk around.

Nevertheless, that’s what I liked about it from the beginning. It would be a project for us to do together. The couple who lived here prior were the original owners; they were too old to keep up on the maintenance of the house. Throughout the years, they never changed a thing.

“Thanks for leaving it alone,” I say humbly.

“I know your plan. You and JJ are going to fix it up together,” he says confidently. I wish some of that confidence would rub off on me.

“Did you tell her about it?” I ask curiously as we step out onto the front porch, locking the door behind us.

“No. It’s not for me to tell. I get your lawn cut every now and then to keep the neighbors happy. By the way, that’s one more thing you can add to the list,” he jokes. “I told the landscaper if he sees anything go up for sale on the street to let me know. It’s a great street. He called me a couple of weeks ago and I got right on it.”

“Awesome. It really is a great street,” I agree, taking it in.

“Yeah, I was gonna bring De over the other day to get her opinion, but never got around to it.”

“She’ll love it.”

“I know,” Mikey says, deep in thought as he glances back at his future house.

We arrive at the stadium early, giving me time to meet with some of the people from management. Everyone seems interested in my progress and word is out that I’m excelling rapidly in the minors.



I call my dad on the way in to The Blue Martini for my shift.

“Hi, Dad, what’s up?” I say cheerfully, calling him for the second time that day. I don’t want him worrying about me, knowing he’ll be flying home soon. This morning I filled him in about my run-in with Luke last night. I assured him I was happy we had the chance to talk, but I needed time to sort things out.

“Hi, Sweetie, are you at work?”

“I’m heading in now. Where are you? I wanted to see if you feel like stopping in for a bite to eat?”

“Ah… Hon… I would have loved to, but I’m pulling into the stadium for the game. What’s your schedule tomorrow?”

“Oh, I didn’t know you were going to the game tonight. Are you with Cheryl?”

“Uh no… it was a last minute decision,” he says suddenly, sounding evasive.

“Who are you with?”

“No one… now.” He hesitates before continuing, “I’m meeting Luke.”

“Oh.” There’s a moment of silence between us.

“Are you okay with that?” he asks quietly.

“Sure, of course. I told you, I was glad we talked. He’s back. I don’t expect everyone to ignore him because of me. He needs his friends, too. He’s been without them for too long.”

“Yeah, but I’m not everyone, I’m your dad. If you’re uncomfortable with me seeing him, just say the word.”

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