The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,43

to wipe the tear from her cheek. She puts up her hand to block me. “You are the love of my life. There will never be anyone else for me,” I whisper.

Her wet, angry eyes bore into mine. “You have no right to say that to me now! You forgot about me! You left me alone! You knew my biggest fear was losing someone I loved AGAIN, and yet, that is exactly what you did to me. How could you of all people do that to me? You made me believe you would never leave me. You never once tried to get word to me, whether by calling, writing, or even through Mikey or Deanna. Do you know how long I waited? That whole first year, I swore you would have somehow tried to contact me. I heard that you were finally home a few months ago. Again, stupid me, I thought, maybe now he’ll call…

Do you know that I have not been home in over two years? I couldn’t… because of you. Everything there, reminds me of you, but if you would have called and said you wanted to see me, I would have jumped on that plane. The fact that you didn’t, made me hate you even more. Knowing that you have been home all of these months and you still never tried to call me, I feel nothing but hate for you right now. I would have given anything to see you, touch you again… even after you treated me so badly. All this time I thought you blamed me for that day…” She breaks down and begins to sob. “…if you hadn’t driven me back—”

I cut her off. I can’t comprehend why she thinks that I blamed her for what happened that day. “Blame you? Are you crazy? Why, would…” I reach over to touch her face and she swats my hand away. Her words sting; to hear her say that she hates me is like being hit by a train.

“If I called you when I got out, you would have hated me even more than you do now. I was not the person I am now, or the person you knew before I left. I was so lost. I couldn’t connect with anyone, not even my family. Yeah, I was home, but I couldn’t adjust. I treated everyone badly and during most of that time, I was angry at you for the same reasons you hated me. I knew that you had to know I was home, and… you didn’t come to see me. Trust me, it was for the best, lookin’ back now, I wouldn’t have wanted you to see me like that. For two years I felt like such a loser. I disappointed everyone that was important to me, especially you.

When I got out, I tried for months to work it out on my own. I was so afraid of upsetting everyone more than I already had. I felt as if I had gone insane while I was away, I couldn’t find myself anymore. Thanks to Mikey, I finally talked to my family. They got me the help I needed. Slowly, I clawed my way back. It took a lot of help before I realized I had to stop hating myself before I could ever let anyone in. Do you understand that I had to forgive myself, believe that I was a good person, worthy to be with you before I could ever see you again?” I ask as I feel the knot in my throat tighten and the tears building within as I plead with her.

She shivers in the cold, stormy weather. “I’ve changed. I’ve found a new life now. I don’t need you like I did then… I don’t know what else you want me to say.” Her voice is harsh, almost cruel.

I never thought I would hear her say that she didn’t need me anymore. I stand up and begin to pace; feeling desperate. My body feels out of control, my head hurts from clenching my teeth so tight and I’m nervously cracking my knuckles. It can’t end like this.

“I know you have a new life, I’m happy for you. Really, I am. I’m not askin’ you to change your life. I guess what I’m askin’ is…”

She’s looking down at the ground. I’m not sure if she’s even listening. Kneeling down in front of her, all I see is the hurt I caused. The fact that she no longer looks Copyright 2016 - 2024