The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,42

off,” she answers sarcastically.

“Maybe, maybe not,” I say softly.

After a long pause, she speaks, “What are you doing here?” It’s obvious that she’s been crying.

“I just want to talk. Please. Can we do that?” I ask gently. “I owe you an explanation. You don’t have to say anything. Please, just listen. I promise I’ll leave you alone after I say what I need to say… if that’s what you want.” I stare into her eyes, which are the color of the sea and just as stormy. Despite the puffiness, they are as beautiful as ever.

“Don’t you think you’re a little late for that talk?” she asks bitterly.

“I hope not. Please, can I just have a minute?”

Hesitantly, she walks towards a bench and sits. She refuses to look at me as I sit next to her. My heart is racing at an uncontrollable speed, I can hardly breathe, and I can’t believe that I’m sitting this close to her again.

She flinches at my nearness and slides away. It takes everything I have not to reach out and touch her. I sit there a minute, trying to catch my breath, taking her in. I can’t stop staring at her. I want to be sure I get the words right and say what I need to say. This may be my only chance. God, it’s been so long.

It seems as if several minutes pass before she speaks. “Say what you need to say.” She says, sensing that I’m watching her.

“I’m sorry.”

She lets out a sadistic chuckle. “Really? That’s it? Okay, you’re forgiven, is that what you want to hear? Now, go! Leave me alone,” she says bitterly, jumping up from the bench.

I grab her hand and pull her back down. “Wait. Sit down. That’s not it.” Touching her hand sends electricity through my veins, jump starting my heart. “I am so sorry for the way I left things. Back then, I didn’t know of another way. I was so screwed up and I was afraid of screwing you up. I thought I was doing the right thing by making you hate me. After all, I hated myself. I know it was a mistake, I think I screwed us both up.

I wanted to contact you, tell you how sorry I was. I wanted more than anything to ask you to wait, but then I would think… three to five years. How could I hold you back? I tried so hard to convince myself this was the best way. Even still, I wrote you letters all of the time, it helped me… made me feel close to you. I was scared to mail them to you, afraid that you would reject them after what I had done to you. Maybe someday you’ll want to read them and have a better understanding of what was going through my mind. I gave them to Mya. Maybe, you’ll just want to burn them… it’s your choice.

The only thing that makes me feel somewhat good about what I did is when I walked into that gallery tonight and saw the walls covered with your paintings. It was awesome. That is what I wanted for you. I couldn’t hold you back for all of those years, waiting on me.”

“You were at the gallery?”

I feel a wave of jealousy come over me. Her first response is concern for her new boyfriend. “Yeah, earlier tonight. It was the first place I looked for you.” I pause, waiting for her reaction. There is none, so I try to remain calm. “I talked to Frank. I told him why I was there, why I needed to see you. He told me he dropped you off at your apartment.” She shows no emotion yet again. I’m not sure if she’s even listening to me. “I’m sorry for sneaking up on you at the stadium today. I didn’t plan on seeing you. De wanted to talk with you first. She didn’t like keeping it from you that I was in town, please don’t blame her. She wanted last night to be perfect for you. She didn’t want to upset you before your show. And obviously, she was right, seeing me upset you immensely.”

There is a moment of silence. I’m scrambling for ways to keep up the conversation. She’s barely giving me anything back. “So what is it that you want from me, Luke?” she asks bitterly as a tear slides down her face and she looks at me for the first time.

“Everything,” I say softly, reaching Copyright 2016 - 2024