The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,32

you guys for a while when this is over. I didn’t get to spend any time with you tonight.”

“This is awesome! You did a great job,” Mikey says.

“Thanks. So, are you guys up for going out afterwards?” I repeat, waiting for a reply. Before they answer, Frank is standing beside me as he casually slides his arm around my waist.

“Jesse, how about when this is over, you and I hang out and have a drink together?” he whispers, but loud enough so that the others can hear.

“Sure, of course,” I reply, giving him a smile.

“Great. When you get a minute, clients of mine from Miami are here. I would like to introduce you to them.”

“Okay. I’ll be there in a second,” I answer as he walks away to mingle. “Crap, now what? I felt like just hanging out with us?” I say to my friends.

“It’s okay, Mikey and I are going to head home anyway, he’s got his game tomorrow.”

“Me, too. I have an early shift in the morning,” Mya chimes in.

“Besides, Frank would like to spend time alone. Maybe, he’ll make that move we talked about the other day,” Deanna whispers in my ear. I laugh and give her a playful shove. Before they leave, I agree to meet Deanna before we head to the game. She’d like some time to ourselves in order to talk.



After Mikey leaves, I try desperately to distract myself by flipping through the numerous cable channels. I finally settle on an HBO movie, but I’m finding it hard to focus on it, even though it’s one of my favorite Will Ferrell movies. I stare at the TV as he comically moves across the screen, but it may as well be a silent movie because the dialogue is not registering in my brain. All I can think about is wishing I was a part of JJ’s big night. I didn’t realize how much time has passed until I notice the movie is over and a new one has started. Finally, giving into temptation, I jump in the shower.

I know the event is till ten, if I hurry, I may just make it in time to see her and her paintings before it closes. I convince myself that by the time I get there, the evening will be coming to an end and she will have had the whole evening to enjoy her night. Who knows, maybe she’ll be happy to see me, knowing that this is an important night for her and I want to be a part of it. I continue to convince myself as I rummage through my closet, deciding on something to wear. God, I think I’m turning into a girl. I laugh, realizing I’m taking forever to choose something. I finally decide on black pants and a charcoal colored button up shirt from Mikey’s closet.

I jump on my bike and race to Ybor City, arriving well past ten. I’m banking on her still being there, socializing. When I reach the huge glass doors to the gallery, I notice that not many lights are on inside. I peer through the tinted glass, trying to see in. There is a light coming from the back area. Then, I spot her. She looks incredible. She’s sitting on a stool with her legs crossed, wearing a long black dress that hugs her body. The long slit up the side shows the top of her gorgeous legs all the way down to her black strappy high heeled shoes. My eyes drift back to her face. She’s so pretty. Her hair is sleek, pulled back and hung long over one shoulder. She looks happy, she’s smiling. She’s talking to someone, but I can’t see the other person. I continue to watch, taking in her beauty.

Just as I get my nerve up and am about to open the door, a man comes into view. He hands her a glass of wine. She smiles and takes it from his hand and holds it to her ruby colored lips to take a sip. Suddenly, a strange feeling comes over me. It looks as though it is just the two of them. I continue to watch as they toast their glasses, and each takes another sip of wine.

My first thought is that he is a co-worker, but the way he is looking at her tells me differently. He’s looking at her the same way I’m looking at her. He’s a good-looking guy, but older. I can see he’s well dressed, wearing Copyright 2016 - 2024