The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,31

friend. I think she may have herself convinced that she does, but I just don’t see it happening.”

It stings hearing the mention of another guy’s name, but what can I do, I’ve been out of her life for so long. I’m somewhat thankful she’s not in a serious relationship.

“Alright… that, I can deal with. She’ll either hate me for not being able to love anyone again or she’ll want me back, right?” I answer trying to crack a joke, but really my stomach is swirling inside.

Chapter 9


The afternoon of JJ’s showing at the gallery, I head to the stadium with Mikey. I love the atmosphere of being here for playoffs. I hang back and watch the game from the locker room. The last thing I need is for a reporter to interview me now that I’m back in Tampa. For some reason, knowing that JJ is here makes the stadium suddenly feel much smaller; knowing we are in the same place at the same time. After the Rays win another game, Mikey and I head home on our shiny new toys.



Deanna and I hurry home after the game to get ready for the evening. I’m feeling anxious and excited as I slip into the new dress I bought from the boutique on 7 Avenue. Deanna is across the room, getting her new dress on as well. I’m so happy having my friends and family to support me. My dad flew in this afternoon and is attending with Cheryl. Dad’s trips to Florida are becoming more frequent. Cheryl and he have seen each other quite a few times over the last several months. I’m happy for him. There was a time or two over the last couple of years that I thought he may be ready to start dating again. Yet, nothing ever came of it other than friendship. I’m hoping that this thing with Cheryl turns into something more serious, I really like her and they seem to enjoy each other’s company. The last thing I want is for my dad to be alone for the rest of his life. He was too young when my mother was taken from us.

“Mya, let’s go. Are you ready?” I call out as Deanna and I wait by the door.

“Coming,” she says dryly as she steps out of her room.

“Wow, you look amazing!” Deanna says, as she stands in the hallway.

“You do look beautiful,” I agree.

“What’d you expect? My best friend is being honored tonight. This is a classy event.”

Mya once again surprises me by dressing like a girl for once, okay, maybe twice, since I have known her. The classy black cocktail dress fits her body nicely, and her hair is perfectly styled into her cute little pixie cut that normally is spiked out all over the place. She even went as far as to wash the purple out for the evening. Her pretty diamond earrings are her only visible piercings, and her lightly applied make-up shows off her porcelain skin.

I thank her and give her a hug.

I’m happy that Deanna and Mya have grown to like each other over time. Mya is not as dark as she wants you to believe, she has a good heart, something I realized right from the start. I consider her to be one of my best friends, as well. I’m not sure how I would have made it through the last couple of years without Mya.



“Yo, man, I feel bad leavin’ you here. Are you sure you’re okay with staying here while I head over there?” I ask, coming from my room neatly dressed in black dress pants and a button up, dark blue shirt.

“Sure, I’m fine. This is an important night for her, you gotta be there. I might meet up with a couple of the guys to grab something to eat. I’ll see ya when you get back,” Luke says, coaxing me out the door.



It’s exciting to see my name across the Billboard in front of the gallery. Many people come out for the evening to view my work. It’s a success and Frank has many inquiries. He proudly introduces me to possible future clients. However, as much as I’m having a good time, all I want is to spend time with my friends. I make my way over to Mya, Deanna and Mikey standing on the other side of the room.

“Hey, guys, what do you think? I’m sort of ready for this to be over. I feel like just hanging out with Copyright 2016 - 2024