The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,30

You know her, she’s going to come down the escalator and see some guy holding a sign with her name. She thinks she’s meeting me.”

Not even ten minutes pass when De comes bursting though the door.

“Oh my God, did you guys get me the limo?!” She’s hysterically laughing. “I didn’t know what to tip him. I gave him twenty dollars, is that enough?”

I point to Mikey, not wanting to take the credit.

“Tip him? You didn’t have to tip him. I tipped him enough! Did he have the Barbeque Twisted Frito’s and Arizona Green Tea?”

“Yes, my favorites,” she says excitedly.

“No shit,” Mikey says as she runs up and gives him a huge hug.

“I’ve missed you,” she says, kissing him on the cheek as he lifts her off the floor. “…and I’ve missed you, too.” She turns to give me a kiss as well. “It feels good to be here with the two of you again. I’ve missed everyone so much!”

The three of us head out to grab a bite to eat. As we are seated, JJ calls De to see if she’s landed. I’m getting closer. The shock runs through my veins, just knowing she is on the other end of that line.

I wish I could pull the phone from De’s ear just to hear her voice. I tap my foot on the floor while my fingers nervously tap the table, listening to their conversation. One more day. I can do this.

“What’d she say?” Mikey asks while I hang on every word.

“She wanted to know if we felt like coming over and hanging out. She said she didn’t mind if we didn’t, she knows you’re probably tired.” She looks at me sympathetically. I know she feels bad leaving me out. “She’s coming to the game tomorrow, but she’s nervous about it running late.” Mikey has a 1:00 game, JJ’s show is at 7:00.

“She’ll be fine,” Mikey answers. “Are you coming?” he asks, turning to me.

“Yeah, but I’ll keep a low profile and stay out of sight. De and I talked about it yesterday. I don’t want to ruin her night tomorrow.”

“Yeah, it’s probably a good idea,” he agrees.

I change the subject before I begin to feel sorry for myself. “Yo, by the way, I thought I was going to have to save her life today. Who’s the Gothic lookin’ chick she was hangin’ with? I thought she was about to get mugged.”

They both bust out into laughter and answer at the same time. “Mya!”

Then, I realize my mistake when everything gets quiet and they are staring at me as if I have six heads. “What?” I ask innocently.

“How did you see her and Mya?” Mikey asks while they both stare me down.

I’m embarrassed that I got myself caught. “I said I wouldn’t approach her before tomorrow, but I had to see her. God, she looks good,” I say, shaking my head. “What are you lookin’ at?” I ask as they continue to stare at me. “Okay, I admit, I stalked her. I got her address from mom’s book, and I stalked her. I waited across from her apartment for over two hours until she finally walked down the street. She never saw me,” I confess as if this is normal behavior.

“Wow. You’re scary,” Mikey says.

“That is creepy,” De adds.

I can feel my cheeks getting flushed. I shrug my shoulders. What can I say? They’re right. “It was worth it.” I laugh.

I’m feeling more relaxed now that the two of them are here with me, and I’m having fun talking about her. I decide to ask more questions so I have a better idea of what I’m up against.

“So, tell me the truth, do you think I have a chance? Did this other guy make his move?”

“I think they may have just started to see each other. I mean, I’m talking a week, two tops. JJ’s not good at trusting… sorry,” Mikey says, referring to the fact that I’m the one to blame for that. “I think she’s trying really hard to like him. He’s a good guy… sorry… shit, I keep puttin’ my foot in my mouth, don’t I?”

I laugh. “It’s fine. I’d rather know what I’m dealing’ with. De, what’s your take?”

“Luke, I’m sorry, too, but Frank is great. They have a lot in common, he takes her to a lot of nice places, introduces her to a lot of interesting people, but I agree with Mikey. I think she wants to have feelings for him, more so than a Copyright 2016 - 2024