The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,28


“Why, what’s goin’ on?” I ask curiously, my heart suddenly drops at her quietness. “De, what’s up?” I ask.

“Nothing, Luke, but it’s her big night. You can’t just pop in on her. How do you think she’ll react?” I’m silent. I didn’t give much thought to the fact that she might not have the reaction I’m hoping for. “I’m sorry, Luke. I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but remember, she hasn’t heard from you in over two years. She doesn’t know that you are in town. It’s not easy on Mikey and me keeping this from her.”

“I know. You’re absolutely right. I’m sorry. I know I put you in a tough spot. I just had to prove to myself that I’m the same person she thought I was. I’m going to make this right, De, whether or not she wants to be with me. Hopefully, if nothing else, I can give her closure and she can really move on if that’s what she wants. It’ll kill me, but at least she’ll know how I felt all along,” I say.

“I know, Luke. I hope it all works out and everyone is happy.”

“Well, I guess we’ll see soon enough. I’ll wait till after her show.”

After we hang up, I think about what she said. It never crosses my mind that she may be on a whole different page than me once she sees me. Now that Deanna put it in perspective, I realize how insensitive it would be to show up at her art show, and what, just expect her to greet me with open arms? The person that almost ruined her life for the second time. I shudder at the thought of what she must think of me. Even though I agree to wait until after her show to talk with her, I know I can’t wait a few more days to see her. It’s already killing me knowing we are in the same city. I can sneak a peek in the mean time, right? Sure. Who will know?

The next day, I have a light practice with the pitching coach, followed by an intense workout in the gym. I thought I worked out my nerves about seeing JJ, but after jumping in the cab after practice I’m still feeling fidgety. I happen to pass a Harley dealership on the way home and I get this crazy idea in my head. Without thinking twice about it, I ask the driver to make a u-turn. I pay him after he drops me at the front doors of the shop. I’m feeling a little spontaneous and figure I found the perfect toy to ease some anxiety and spend some money.

I’ve been locked up for so long I figure it can’t hurt if I spend some of my money. Besides, one is a gift and the other is a necessity. After all, I need transportation. I can’t keep driving around in cabs everywhere, right? I’ll bet the salesperson that greets me at the door has no idea just how good his morning is about to get. I pick out two brand new Harley V-Rods, one for me and one for Mikey.

“That one,” I point to Mikey’s bike, “you can deliver and that one,” I point to mine, “I’ll take with me,” I say, handing my card to the salesman.

By the time I leave the dealership, it’s after noon. The bike leads me in the direction of Ybor City. As I drive through the town, I can see why she likes it; why an artist chooses to live here. I smile proudly, knowing that she did this on her own. I drop in and out of a few of the shops trying to guess which ones I think would be her favorites. I drive past the gallery, but don’t tempt to go inside.

I wrote down her address awhile ago from my mom’s address book and stuck it in my wallet. I Google directions from my phone and find an inconspicuous spot across the street from her apartment. I hope to catch a glimpse of her as I hide behind my dark sunglasses. “Just a little something I picked up from my convict friends; the art of stalking someone,” I mumble to myself as I wait for her like a complete psycho.

I probably wait for close to two hours, maybe more, when I finally spot two girls turning the corner, heading in the direction of her building. I pull my hoodie up over my head.

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