The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,26

could have easily dropped me after everything that happened. I want to prove to them that they are right for believing in me. Once I have the confidence of having my career back on track, then I will face JJ. Besides, I just got word that I’m to report to camp in Florida as soon as my season is over.



Frank surprises me when I arrive at work on Tuesday. He’s giving me top billing on his next art show. It’s scheduled to take place in early October. Besides me, there are a couple of other local artists that will be participating, but I’ll be listed as the featured artist on the billboard and advertisements. I’m ecstatic by the news and without thinking I hug Frank tightly and kiss him on the lips. Thankfully, he doesn’t make a big deal of it, laughing and telling me that I’ve earned the opportunity. I already know of three paintings that I would like to display while Frank tells me of at least another three he prefers for the show. I cut back on my schedule at The Blue Martini in order to dedicate more time to my painting; appreciative to have the work to keep me busy.

Chapter 8


“So when does your plane get in?” JJ asks.

“Friday evening. I can’t wait to go to your showing at the gallery. I’m excited to see your work.”

“Thanks, me, too. How did Jeffrey take it when you told him you were transferring?” she asks.

I finally talked to my mom and dad about how unhappy I am at school. They agreed to let me transfer to USF over Christmas break for the second semester.

“Not so good, especially hearing that I was transferring to USF. He hates Mikey. Why do all of my boyfriends hate him so much?” I ask. It’s true. Every guy I’ve ever gotten serious with can’t stand him for some reason.

She laughs. “Hmmm… I wonder why? Could it be that he treats them like crap?” She asks sarcastically.

“Really? I’ve never noticed.”

“Probably because you’re too busy giggling and hanging on every word he says.”

“Do not!” I argue, I don’t believe that is true. If anything, Mikey and I are usually bickering about something.

“Whatever… Anyway, what did he say about it?”

“He said if I go to Florida, we’re through, he doesn’t want to be involved in a long distance relationship.”

“Really, just like that?”

“Not exactly like that, but that’s basically what he meant. We’ll see, I guess.”

“And… how do you feel about that?”

“To be honest, I don’t really care… I mean, if I was really in love with him, would I want to leave him? Why do I feel so lonely here?”

“True… I agree.”

“So what’s going on with Frank… anything new developing?” I ask with curiosity. Last time I visited JJ, Frank seemed to be interested in her and I think she may be interested in him as well. I just want to see her happy, regardless of who she is with. Obviously, my first choice is my brother, although I’m not sure if that is what JJ would want. She has yet to discuss anything about him with me.

“Nada. We’ve gone to dinner a few times, but it was mostly work-related. We’ve never actually called it a date or anything like that. It’s strange… I keep waiting for him to make this big move and he hasn’t.”

“Do you want him to make a big move?” I ask.

“I don’t know, maybe… I feel comfortable with him.”

“Hmmm, I wonder what he’s waiting for... maybe, the big art show on Saturday? Maybe he’ll make you give him a private showing,” I tease.

“Shut up. You’re such a goof,” She says, laughing. “I have to get to class, call me later. Are you going to need a ride from the airport?”

“I think Mikey’s going to meet me,” I answer cheerfully.

“Of course, he is,” She replies with some sarcasm. “I better go, I have class. I’ll talk to you soon. Miss you… Can’t wait to see ya.”



The sun feels warm against my skin as I step out of the sliding doors at Tampa International. I take a breath, filling my lungs with the smell of the tropical air. God, I’ve missed this. I sling my bags over my shoulder and jump into the nearest cab.

I take in the colorful scenery as we drive the familiar route to my condo. Once I arrive, I turn my key in the lock and slowly open the door. I step inside and notice that everything seems exactly Copyright 2016 - 2024