The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,23

over and over; three good days to four bad. I sit down with my mom, dad and Deanna, and confess to them what is going on with me. I tell them how I’m trying to work it out on my own, not wanting to burden them with more of my crap, but in return, all I’m doing is alienating everyone around me. I tell them how I’m struggling with being home and how I don’t feel as if I belong.

To my surprise, relief is written all over their faces. This is the breakthrough they’ve been waiting on since I came home. With my family’s support, along with the Rays’ organization, they get me the help I need.

I begin to work with a therapist to help me come to terms with everything that happened. I’m having a hard time forgiving myself. No matter how you look at it, I had taken a life. I pushed everyone I loved away, thinking I didn’t deserve them. More than anything, I hate what I did to JJ. I knew I should have tried to make things right with her, but I didn’t quite understand how to deal with what happened to me. I had to forgive myself first. After awhile, I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The Rays’ organization has been calling. They’ve seen my pitching and want me back as soon as I’m released. Even though my pitching looks good, I know that mentally, I’m not ready to be thrown back in the spotlight.

Coach Brigg’s, my high school coach, stops by to see me. Apparently, he noticed that I was addicted to watching the guys at summer camp.

“So what did you think of my new lefty?” he asks.

“What new lefty?” I laugh, trying to pretend I didn’t know what he was talking about. He gives me a look, telling me that he knew that I was watching. “His hips; he’s using too much upper body and not enough lower. He’ll get more velocity if he rotates his hip just a bit more,” I answer.

“I could have used you this summer,” he says, smiling, knowing I was right on target.

“I can’t imagine what those guys must think of me now,” I say.

“They think you’re a superstar, that’s what they think,” he answers.

I smile. It makes me feel good to know that people still believe in me and offer their support. I continue getting my mind stronger.


The day after my release date, the Rays evaluate me, both mentally and physically. Thankfully, I pass both. Immediately they place me with the Hudson Valley Renegades.

While there, I get word from Mikey, telling me he’s been called up to the majors. I’m happy for him and it gives me the incentive to work harder than ever.

I’m able to attend two out of the three games he plays at Yankee Stadium. The feeling I get, walking into the stadium, is a feeling you can never imagine as I see Mikey standing before me in the locker room in a Rays’ uniform. He made it. I’m proud of him. Now I, too, am working towards the same goal.

After the game, I’m standing outside of the dugout with the other members of the organization, waiting to congratulate Mikey as he makes his way off the field after being interviewed. The Rays beat the Yankees two out of the three games, and Mikey is putting up some pretty impressive numbers; especially in this game. He put the Rays in the lead, giving them the win. I’m blindsided by an ESPN reporter who begins to interview me live on camera. I look around for someone to bail me out, but no one seems to notice. I face my biggest fear, being questioned about my ordeal. I barely get through it, but manage to keep my composure, answer the questions, and shift the conversation back to today’s game.

Thankfully, one of the managers notices my uneasiness and politely intervenes, giving me the opportunity to make my escape to the locker room.



I gather up a few friends to head over to the Sports Zone to watch Mikey’s game against the Yankees. It’s exciting watching him play on TV, and he’s on fire once again. The Rays are down 4-3 in the top of the ninth with two outs and a man on first. Mikey’s up to bat. As they discuss his impressive numbers, he hits the ball into the bleachers over center field, giving the Rays a two-run homer. The Rays hold Copyright 2016 - 2024