The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,22

second I know she is out of class. She has just learned the news herself. We scream excitedly on the phone together.

“I am so jealous. I can’t believe you have tickets and I am stuck here!” Deanna hollers, excitedly.

“I know. I wish you were here to go with me!”

Suddenly, she breaks down and begins to cry. “I hate it here, JJ. I want to transfer.”

“De, what’s wrong? You’ve only been back a couple of weeks. Is everything okay between you and Jeffrey?” I ask with concern.

“Yes, it’s fine. I made a mistake by coming back here. Everyone I love is back East. I thought about it last year, but then I met Jeffrey. I thought I would be okay, but days like this, hearing about Mikey. I want to be there. You know I’m happy you two are close, but he used to call me. I heard it from my mom. I’m sorry I’m being a downer right now. I’m just feeling sorry for myself.” She says sniffling into the phone.

“De, please. With all the times you’ve listened to me over the years… if you’re serious about this, it can be done. Transfer into USF,” I say excitedly, determined to have her close to me. “You can live with me and Mya.” I feel so bad for her. I’m always so wrapped up in my own issues that I had no idea that she was feeling so bad.

“I don’t know. I’m just babbling. I would love to be with you and Mikey. Not that I don’t miss my family, but… my mom says Luke is doing better, he’s playing with the Renegades again so he’s not around either.”

I tense up at the mention of Luke. I have no idea what is going on with him, nor did I know that he was playing ball again, especially for the Renegades, the first team he and Mikey were assigned to in the minors. I remember all of the trips I took that summer to see him play. I try to brush the thoughts of him from my mind and focus on Deanna. This is about her… not him.

“I would love for you to be here, my room is plenty big enough and I have the extra bed,” I offer, ignoring her statement about Luke, trying to focus on Deanna’s needs.

“Is Mya going with you to Mikey’s game?” she asks with a twinge of jealously.

“I was thinking of asking Frank.” It’s a statement, but I say it more as a question, wanting her opinion.

“JJ, I think it’s a good idea. He would love it. Have you two—”

“No… no… I’m not even positive he’s interested.”

“Oh, he’s definitely interested. The question is, are you?”

I laugh. “I don’t know… maybe.”

“Good for you. Ask him.”

Before we hang up, I promise to give her a play-by-play of the game. I’m happy to hear that she is her usual upbeat self by the time we end our call.

“Hey, Jazz, do you think I should ask Frank?” I turn to face her, only to find Frank standing behind her.

“Ask Frank what?” he asks, smiling.

Jazz laughs and walks out of the office, giving us some privacy. I’m left there with my foot in my mouth. I have no choice but to ask. I relay the news about Mikey and invite him to go along with me to the game. He’s thrilled that I asked and plans to pick me up by six.


We end up having a great time together. Mikey has a great game and the Rays beat Boston. It’s exciting to see him up on the big monitor as they flash his picture and statistics. He makes a couple of great plays behind the plate; two singles, a double and two RBI’s. Pretty impressive for a first game in the MLB. He looks confident, as if he’s been part of the team all along. I faithfully report the play-by-play to Deanna throughout the night. The game isn’t televised in Phoenix.

Mikey’s flying to New York tomorrow. They are playing the Yankees at home. My dad told me they got a group together and are heading up by bus to watch him play at Yankee Stadium. Everyone is looking forward to it.

Chapter 7


I got through it, and I’m ready to take my life back, I say to myself the moment I open my eyes on the morning of August 20. Immediately following my talk with Mikey, I know I need help in coping with my feelings. I’m still battling the same demons Copyright 2016 - 2024