The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,21

beautiful piece at an auction last week that they are stopping in to view.

“Good morning, Jesse,” Jazz says as she comes from the office in the back of the gallery.

“Hey, Jazz.” Jasmine does most of the book work in the office. It’s mainly just the three of us in the gallery during the day, so I’ve gotten close with her, too. Jazz is in her late twenties and is really beautiful. She reminds me of a supermodel. She’s dating one of the football players from the Buccaneers. Frank always jokes that he keeps us around so he can get good seats to the Buccaneers’ and Rays’ games. He met Mikey when I first started working here, but knew of Mikey before I had introduced them by reading about him in the paper.

“Did you see Frank before he left? He wanted me to remind you about—”

“The Wellingtons. I know. I saw him as he was rushing out,” I answer.

“He loved your painting you brought in yesterday. He hasn’t stopped talking about it.”

“I know; he told me. What do you think?” I value her opinion, Jazz knows a lot about art. Sometimes I wonder if Frank is maybe just a little partial to my work.

“Honestly… he’s right. I think it’s really great, Jess.”

I trust her to be honest with me. I think Frank is, too, but sometimes I question it. I sense that his feelings may go beyond friendship.

Jazz always jokes with me, “In the three years I’ve worked with Frank, I have never seen him spend as much time at the gallery as he does since you’ve been here.”

I laugh and tell her she is crazy.

“I’m telling you girl, he is definitely interested in more than your artwork,” she says while I deny it and bring up our age difference. Jazz assures me that our age difference is not a big deal. I’ve talked about it with Deanna and Mya as well. They agree that age should not be a factor if I’m developing feelings for him.

The meeting with the Wellingtons goes well. They love the painting and agree to touch base with Frank in a day or so. Jazz and I order salads from the bistro across the street and are sitting in the office having lunch when I realize I have three missed calls from Mikey and one text that reads, ‘pick up phone!’ I dial his number immediately. He knows I’m working and never calls three times in a row.

“Yo! Where’ve ya been?” he asks the second he picks up the phone, not bothering to say hello.

“My phone was off… I’m working, what’s up?” I ask.

“Guess where I’m headin’?” he asks, excitement filling his voice.

“I don’t feel like guessing, just tell me,” I answer dryly.

“You’re no fun,” he jokes.

“No kidding. What’s up?” I ask sarcastically.

“I got a call from the Rays this morning; they want me to play for them tonight. Their catcher is on the DL and they want me to start,” he sounds ecstatic.

I know instantly what this means. This is the chance they’ve been waiting for their whole lives. Twenty-one and he’s being called up to the majors. I let out a joyful scream, scaring Jazz to death.

“Oh my God, I’m so happy! I can’t wait! Are you so excited? When will you be here? I want to come see you play!” I was hitting him with a thousand questions, rambling and not giving him a chance to answer any of them.

He laughs. “Are you kiddin’? I’m out of my mind right now! It’s awesome. I’m at the airport about to board. I don’t even know all of the details of what I need to do. I’m heading right to the stadium from the airport; otherwise, I would try to get you tickets.”

“Don’t even think about that. I’m going to get them right after we hang up. Call or text when you know more!”

“You got it,” he answers eagerly.

I excitedly explain what all the commotion is about. Jazz immediately picks up the phone and texts her boyfriend asking if he can get tickets for the Rays’ game tonight. Minutes later, she receives a text and shows me the screen. “Done. 2,” it reads.

“Oh my God, thanks so much. You’re awesome,” I say, giving Jazz a hug. My next call is to Cheryl, explaining why I will not be able to work tonight. It’s hard focusing for the rest of the day. I can’t believe he is actually playing at Tropicana Field tonight.

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