The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,106

ran in to an old friend of yours?” He stares her down. I figure by his tone, he found what he was searching for. He’s cocky and confident.

She suddenly begins to squirm, looking at me. “No, he didn’t. Who?”

“TJ Harper, ring a bell?”

Her mouth drops opens. She quickly tries to gain her composure. “Who?”

I lower my head and take a step back into the apartment, leaving them to talk. I watch from afar as I see Mikey take out the pictures TJ has given us of him and Lora Rae. There is no denying they were a couple.



“You can’t believe a word he says. He’s obsessed with me. He always tries to contact me. He stalks me,” she says, scrambling, looking at the pictures.

“Really? I met his family. He doesn’t seem like the stalking type. Lora Rae, be honest with me. Don’t do this. You have so much good going on in your life. You don’t need to do this.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not doing anything,” she protests.

“Lora Rae, I found these in your bathroom. They’re prescribed to you. You had them refilled last week. Why would you need birth control pills if you’re pregnant?”

Lora Rae finally breaks down and begins to sob and I walk over to her. I thought I would be furious, but instead I feel pity. Why would she feel the need to do something so drastic?

“Why?” I ask.

Through her tears she begins to speak. “I’m sorry Michael, really I am. I’ve never had a man in my life who cares for me. I always feel used by every guy I date, even back in high school. Then, when I find someone decent who cares for me, I screw it up. Then they end up leaving for someone better than me.” She sobs.

“Lora Rae, you’re a nice girl. You don’t need to trap any guy. You’re pretty, you’re famous, and most of all, you’re smart. Don’t let people take advantage of you. You need to talk to someone about how you feel. Don’t ruin your life. You’re too good for that, you have a lot of good things going for you. You’ve accomplished so much on your own, don’t belittle yourself,” I say, reaching out to her.

“Thank you for being so kind to me after what I did to you. I know I need help. I have so many issues from so long ago, you have no idea.”

“Do you have someone you can talk to? Someone you can trust completely, maybe even a professional?”

“Yes. I have an aunt who I used to be really close with. I haven’t talked with her in a while. Maybe I’ll give her a call… And, it is LA, Michael, I’m sure there is a therapist on every corner, just waiting for someone like me.” She laughs through her tears. I take her into my arms and hug her tightly.

Luke is flipping through the pages of a magazine when we step inside, seeming as if he wasn’t spying. Lora Rae pats away the tears from her puffy eyes with the tips of her fingers.

“You ready?” I ask, walking into the kitchen.

“Yeah, sure,” he answers, following me to the door. “I’ll see you later, Lora Rae,” he says as he steps outside.

“See ya, Luke, good luck this season,” she says.


I hang back for a second. “Are you going to be okay?” She nods her head in agreement. “You’re going to contact your aunt or someone, right?”

“Yes,” she answers quietly.


“Yes, really.”

“You sure you’re okay?” I ask nervously. This is bothering me more than I thought. I feel sorry for her and for once, wish that her entourage was around.

“I’m going to be fine. Thank you, Michael.”

“If you need to talk, you can call me,” I tell her. Truthfully, I’m hoping she gets the help she needs and doesn’t call. I think it’s best if we have a clean break.

I walk to the car where Luke is already waiting inside. “What was that about?” he blurts out the second I get in and close the door.

I let out a breath as if I have been holding it in for days. “She’s not pregnant. She made it up.” I smile.

“Thank God,” Luke says. “I didn’t know what the hell was going on. I couldn’t tell by the way you were acting. I was expecting arguing, you flipping out on her.”

“I couldn’t. I felt so bad for her. I get what that kid, TJ, went through. She seems like she has a Copyright 2016 - 2024