The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,105

didn’t see her naked. We were together in every way while she lived here. It just never crossed my mind that she was lying to me. It wasn’t until my mom made a comment to me about her belly that I became suspicious. I searched her things and found birth control pills hidden in a ripped seam in her handbag. I know, I’m a moron, I used to be really trusting,” he says sarcastically, shaking his head at his stupidity. “Anyway, I confronted her, she denied it at first, but there was no denying that her belly was as flat as it had been since the day I met her. She packed up, moved to Cali and the rest is history.”

“Man, that is crazy. I guess you want to kill her every time you see her face on TV?” I ask, looking at them.

His mom agrees, but TJ is more carefree. He shrugs and says it all worked out for the best. Mikey doesn’t say a word practically the whole time we are there. I know he’s thinking the same thing is happening to him.

TJ goes on to tell us how he read online about the rumors of her being pregnant. He saw the pictures of her and Mikey together, did some research and found out who Mikey is. He said he couldn’t help feeling she may be pulling the same thing.

“For your sake, I hope she is,” TJ says compassionately. “She’s a good actress, I’ll give her that.”

Mikey barely says anything, just nods his head in agreement. We thank them for meeting with us. Mikey is still quiet while heading to the airport.

“Crazy, huh?” I ask.


“Talk to me. What’s on your mind?”

“I don’t know. It sounds familiar, right? I’m just afraid to get my hopes up. I don’t know what to think. My fuckin’ head feels as if it’s going to explode. I just want it to be over and go home.”

“I hear ya. You believe him?”

“Yeah, definitely. They seem like good people,” Mikey says.

“I thought so, too.”

We sleep at the airport hotel and take the earliest flight to LA. Mikey calls Lora Rae once we land. She’s shocked that he’s back in LA, considering he just left only a couple of days ago. He asks if they can talk and she invites him over.

LA traffic is crazy and it takes us over an hour to get to her apartment. She answers the door wearing black yoga pants and a tight fitted t-shirt. My eyes obviously go to her flat, rock-solid stomach.

“This is a pleasant surprise, c’mon in. You didn’t tell me Luke was with you.” She sounds a bit disappointed.

“Yeah, he decided to take the trip out with me,” he answers. I notice his voice crack. He’s uptight, but trying to play it cool. We discussed a plan in the car.

“How are you, Luke? Congratulations. I heard you and Jesse were married over the holidays.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

“Boy, you didn’t waste any time. Aren’t you a little young to be married?” she teases.

“Aren’t you a little young to be having a baby?” I answer sarcastically, smiling.

“Touché,” she says as we give each other a forced smile.

“How you feelin’?” Mikey interrupts.

“Alright I guess, a little nauseous in the morning, but other than that, I’m fine.”

“Good,” he responds.

“I put coffee on, would you like some?” We follow her to the kitchen and Mikey excuses himself to go to the bathroom. That’s my cue to keep her talking. I keep her immersed in conversation, giving Mikey time to do some searching.

“What is that, over there?” I point to the balcony as I walk towards it. Lora Rae opens the door and we step outside. I ask her about some of the local landmarks that she has a clear view of from her balcony. She answers my questions with enthusiasm. Talking with her, I can see how TJ and Mikey can get caught up in her lies and her looks. She seems like a decent person and she is beautiful, no doubt. I try to think of a reason as to why a girl like that would feel the need to trap a guy. I feel sorry for her, yet Mikey shouldn’t have to pay the price if she is lying, or any other guy for that matter. We are interrupted by Mikey joining us on the balcony.

“Oh, there you are. I thought you may have gotten lost.” She smiles at him.

“No, I didn’t get lost,” he says coolly. “Did Luke tell you we Copyright 2016 - 2024