The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,102

a few things from the hardware store. I want to hang the pictures in the living room.”

“Sure, when are you going?”

“Whenever. Finish what you’re doing. I gotta jump in the shower.”

“I’m finished for now. If you help me clean up, I’ll join you,” she adds seductively.

“I’m already on it.” I take the brush from her hand and kiss her lips.



I awake to the warm feeling of her body molded with mine. Her long dark hair is sprawled across my pillow and I breathe in the fragrance of her citrus-scented hair. I glide my fingertips along her body, tracing her curves and watch the goose bumps form on her skin in the places where my fingers softly graze her body. My mouth kisses each spot tenderly and it sends waves of electricity through my own body, causing goose bumps on me as well. A grin forms across my face as I think about how much I love that she affects me this way.

“Why are you smiling?” she asks sleepily, her eyes remain closed.

“How do you know I’m smiling if you’re not looking at me?” I whisper softly in her ear.

“I can feel your lips on my skin and I can tell you’re smiling,” she tells me as her mouth curls slightly upward.

“I’m extremely happy right now. Have I told you lately how unbelievably in love I am with you?”

“Not since I’ve been up.”

“Turn around, look at me.”

“No, I look horrible.”

“DeDe, I’ve seen you look like shit a hundred times before in the morning, and today is not one of them.”

“Oh my God, is that your idea of a compliment? What is wrong with you?” She places the palm of her hand across my face and shoves me away from her.

I start to laugh and, once again, grovel for her forgiveness; obviously, a feeling I’m gonna have to get used to. She finally gives in to me as I take her in my arms. I whisper my love for her while intimately exploring her body.

Afterwards, her body is draped across mine, both of us spent and feeling fulfilled. My hands gently stroke up and down her back while I revel in the feel of her skin against mine.

In keeping my promise that I would include her in all of my decisions from here on out, I tell her about the call I received yesterday before leaving LA. I explain that before we get our hopes up, that I must first check out his story. I hate leaving her so soon, but she agrees it is for the best so we can move on either way.

I call his number and arrange for a meeting later this evening. While De showers, I make us coffee and breakfast.



Before heading to the store, Luke insists on dropping by the condo to visit with Mikey. They didn’t have much of a chance to talk last night at the club and he wants to know if Mikey could use his help with his lead about Lora Rae. I text both Mikey and De that we are popping in, but neither of them get back to me. I’m sure the thought has not even crossed Luke’s mind of what we might be walking into. He’s so oblivious.

Before I can suggest maybe knocking first, Luke is already inside. Mikey is sitting alone at the table in just shorts, drinking a cup of coffee. A look of surprise crosses his face and I can see that he is uneasy. A bowl of eggs, bagels and fruit are sitting on the table along with two plates and another cup of coffee, steam circling the top of the cup. Mikey and I simultaneously see Luke’s eyes rest on the cup.

“Hey, what’s up?” Mikey greets us. “There’s coffee in there,” he says uneasily, pointing to the kitchen. “Grab some plates.”

“What’s up?” Luke says, walking into the kitchen and pouring us each a cup.

I look over at Mikey and mouth that I am sorry. He gives me a strained smile and shrugs nervously. At the same time De comes out of Mikey’s bedroom with her hair wet and wearing one of his t-shirts. She’s caught off guard and it’s too late to turn around.

It’s awkward for all of us.

She says hello while Mikey points to the cup he poured for her. She nervously makes her way to the table.

“I guess we should have called first,” Luke says with an edge to his voice, looking into his cup, refusing to look at either one of them.

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