The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,101

great force.

I try not to laugh, but she’s so pissed off that it’s making me laugh even more.

“I know. I can’t help it. I swear. Aren’t you just a little freaked out? I mean, we’ve practically lived with each other since we were nine and ten. I mean, how many times did we sleep in the same room or sleep together on the couch? How many times have we fought over who was getting in the shower first? And not once, out of all of the nights we were alone together, did we even consider this ever happening.”

“Okay, now you’re freaking me out,” she says, starting to laugh herself. “Remember when you first met Luke and you used to come over and play, I used to follow you around and tell everyone you were my boyfriend and we were getting married… and you used to get all embarrassed. You were so shy back then.”

“Yeah, you scared the shit out of me. You were a brazen little seven-year-old.”

We both start cracking each other up, taking a trip down memory lane, remembering all of the times we shared growing up. She lays wrapped tightly in my arms with her head resting on my chest. It feels good and we stay like this for a while.

“Alright, Michael Vaughn, what are we going to do about this little problem you are having with feeling like you are sleeping with your little sister?” she asks, teasing me.

“Now who’s being an asshole? Don’t even say that. Now you’re really going to mess me up.”

“I’m kidding. Relax.” She seductively strokes her fingers softly across my stomach, igniting the fire inside of me once again. She takes the initiative and positions her body on top of mine, enticing me as her hand slides up the inside of my thigh. She kisses me in a way that is so sensual, my body is inflamed with carnal desire.

“Trust me. I stopped thinking of you as my little sister when I reached the tenth grade. You don’t want to know what was going through my mind all of the times I bumped into you when you were coming out of the shower, wrapped in a towel,” I say huskily, giving her a sly smile. I’m barely able to control my hunger for her as I roll her onto her back, straddling over her, gently pinning her hands over her head as I entangle my fingers with hers.

She arches her body into mine. My hand softly strokes the side of her face. She wraps her free hand around the back of my neck, pulling me towards her as she whispers in my ear, “You’re right. I don’t want you to tell me, I want you to show me what was on your mind.”

And just like that, our little problem goes away. We spend the remainder of the evening and into the early morning with our bodies intertwined, romantically and playfully quenching our desire for each other.

Chapter 25


I stand quietly in the doorway, admiring the view. I can stand here all day, just watching. I lean against the door, thanking God for the millionth time for giving me another chance.

“Are you watching me again?” JJ says cheerily—her back to me—sensing my presence as I watch her hand gracefully move the brush across the canvas.

“How did ya know?” I ask, walking up behind her, kissing the top of her head.

“I just knew.”

“That’s really good.” I admire the painting. “Did you have another dream?” I ask, looking at the image of the woman watching over the celebration.

“No. Not in a while,” she says, discouraged. “Sometimes I think if I don’t paint her, I’ll forget her.”

“No, you won’t. You’ll always remember.”

“Do you know what this is?”

“Yep. Our wedding.”

“I wish she was with us.”

“She was, just like your painting. I know it. She’ll always be with you, especially on important days like our wedding, and when we have our babies. She’ll be there for all of the special times in your life.” I kneel in front of her, stroking her face gently with my hand. She tilts her head towards the softness of my touch and smiles. She still misses her mom, but I know that her life is fulfilled. She is happy and I no longer worry about her like I used to in that regard.

“What are your plans today?” I ask, twirling her hair through my fingers.

“Just hang out here and get some things done.”

“Do you feel like taking a ride with me? I need Copyright 2016 - 2024