The Gambler - Raquel Belle Page 0,87

stomach is tossing and turning, so I decide to keep quiet. Luckily our destination isn’t far off. After a quick ten-minute drive, we pull up in front of a small, seedy-looking property. The Glamazon.

“Here we are,” David announces. “Ben, stay with the car. Mike will call if we need backup.” Ben immediately looks disappointed but stays put behind the wheel. “Mike, you’re with us. I want cool heads all round. I don’t want this escalating if we can avoid it.”

“Got it, boss.” Mike nods sternly. I’d say he was putting his game face on but it’s always on. I can understand why David told Ben to stay back. From what I’ve seen of the two, Ben is always eager to get his hands dirty while Mike is much calmer.

David doesn’t miss a beat when we step inside the casino. He immediately starts moving, like a shark, swimming along the tiled floors, past the rows of slot machines in the front, and past the islands of card tables in the middle. He doesn’t stop until he reaches the very back of the large enclosure.

I glance around nervously as we race through the place. It’s still too early to be crowded and the near-empty casino has a dicey feeling to it. The Glamazon clearly isn’t of the same caliber as Fortuna. Even I can recognize that. The carpets have visible stains on them and the marble floors haven’t been polished in ages. Maybe it’s my imagination, but even the people who work here look surly and unwelcoming.

“David,” I touch his arm gently when he stops long enough for me to catch up to him. “Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, won’t interfering make things worse?”

He turns sharply to face me. “Lilly, did you not hear the story I told you this morning?” He grabs my upper arms and shakes me slightly, as if he’s trying to knock some sense into me.

“Of course I did,” I tell him, trying to wriggle away. “But this is a completely different situation.”

“Correct.” He grips my arms even more tightly. “This situation is even worse. You don’t let people who owe just walk away. If the sum total of their possessions can’t foot the bill or they can’t come up with the money, you make an example out of them. That’s what’s going to happen to your sister.”

“Deanna’s just a girl!” I can’t wrap my head around the idea that her life might be in danger—that she could meet the same fate as David’s father. My brain is refusing to accept this fact, even though I know it may well be true.

“She’s not a girl. She’s a grown woman. Old enough to know better.” His grasp on my arms is getting tighter and tighter.

“David, you’re hurting me.” I whisper the words.

“I’m sorry.” He lets go, exhaling a large gust of air as he does. He rubs his hands together briefly. “Just follow me, okay? And do what I tell you.” He arches an eyebrow, an invisible question asking me if I’ll behave today. “I don’t want a repeat of what happened at the poker game last night. Your safety depends on it. As does Deanna’s. Agreed?”

“Yes.” I nod vigorously. My heart is racing and I can feel my palms getting sweaty. I wish I were wearing something different. My long maxi dress seems not only out of place, but also ridiculous in the air-conditioned casino interior. This was made for lounging by the pool, not for busting up backroom poker games.

Mike, who’s been off consulting some security guy he seems to know, approaches.

“Got the location,” he says to David.

“Let’s go.”

Mike leads the way now, following another burly security guy. The setup is similar to Fortuna’s. We pass through a random unmarked door, meant for staff only, and suddenly we’re in a maze of tiled hallways. The belly of the beast.

“This is the spot, Mikey.” The other security guard stops in front of a door.

“Thanks, bro.” Mike gives the guy a clap on the back and shakes his hand, slipping him a crisp bill in the process.

“Prefer if you keep my name outta this.” The strange security man says.

Mike just nods. And then, without hesitation, he pushes the door open and leads us into the room. There is no red velvet curtain or hostess like in Fortuna’s backroom. The small space has old wall-to-wall carpeting and harsh fluorescent lighting overhead. On the far side of the room is a ramshackle bar, with a bored-looking Copyright 2016 - 2024