The Gambler - Raquel Belle Page 0,51

Deanna hisses. “So what, he bought you some nice clothes and now you’re just going to give in to him and stay here? Jesus, you look like some kind of Barbie doll, dressed up in your little pastel pink dress and your wedges.”

“It’s not like that, Deanna.” I can’t even begin to explain to her how I’m drawn to David because I can barely explain it to myself. So I just go with the facts, which are true: “I made a deal. We made a deal. I’m here to pay off your debt. And I will stay until that debt is paid in full.”

“Stop being such a martyr!” Deanna’s voice is harsh. “Always trying to be some kind of goddamned angel. We both know that $1.3 mil doesn’t mean shit to a Richie-rich guy like this. He won’t give a shit if you leave now.”

I hate to admit that the words leave me with a stinging sensation. Whether they’re true or not, I don’t know. But I do know that David values people who are true to their word…and that I’ve given him mine. I have to stay. Maybe I even want to stay.

“Deanna, I’m staying. Please leave before security sees you and you get in trouble.”

“Oh, come off it. Let’s go.” She grabs my wrist roughly and barrels out the door of the greenhouse—running right into none other than Ben and Mike.

“Good afternoon, ladies.” Mike steps up, his voice smooth and even. His eyes are alert, though, and I can see his muscles are tense. Behind him, Ben looks ready to pounce as well, eyeing Deanna warily.

“For fuck’s sake. What do you two ‘roided out muscle-heads want?”

“Deanna!” I’m both shocked and embarrassed for her.

“What? Are these your buddies now?” She sneers at me. She rips her sunglasses off to stare me in the face. Outside of the greenhouse, in the harsh daylight, I can now see the dark circles under her eyes. Red splotches dot her face and her skin looks dull and dry.

“No, I just—”

“I think it’s time you come with me, Miss Madison.” Mike steps forward and gently places a hand on Deanna’s arm. “Your sister is fine here. We’re taking good care of her.”

“Taking care of her? More like holding her fucking hostage. Get your beefy fingers off of me.” Deanna jerks her arm out of Mike’s light grasp.

“She’s here by her own choice.” A deep, commanding voice interrupts us. It’s David, his pace is urgent and the irritation on his face…very evident. He’s immaculately put together as usual, wearing a dark blue suit and a contrasting light-blue button-down underneath. He comes to a stop and takes in the scene, his arms crossed.

“Bullshit!” Deanna snaps at him. “You’re keeping Lilly a captive here and you know it. She even has these idiot guards!” She lunges at Mike and pounds her fists on his chest.

“Woah, woah,” Mike catches hold of Deanna and calmly wraps her in a giant bear hug, containing her and her flying fists. “No need for that.”

“Deanna, I’m fine here. Really.” I rub her shoulder. “I think it’s better if you go.” I eye David nervously. His eyes are getting that dark glint to them. A storm is brewing.

“Fucking let me go!” Deanna is now squirming in Mike’s arms, like a kitten that doesn’t want to be held. “You don’t understand! It’s my fault she’s here.” And suddenly Deanna’s shoulders slump forwards, and her fury gives way to sobs.

What is going on? I think to myself.

“Uh, boss?” Mike shoots David a look of confusion. He looks slightly terrified to have a crying woman in his arms.

“She’s drunk.” David says, his voice dripping with…pity? Disappointment? Disgust? “Get her out of here.”

With a nod, Mike scoops Deanna up and lifts her right off her feet, carrying her away from me. She’s crying so hard at this point, she doesn’t even bother to fight him. What’s wrong with her? My sister has always been volatile but I’ve never seen her emotions flip so quickly and so intensely.

“What about the other one, boss?” Ben gestures at me and gives David an expectant look.

“I’ll handle her. You can go.”

“Whatever you say, boss.” Ben looks vaguely disappointed that he doesn’t get to take part in any of the action. He glumly follows after Mike and Deanna, whose sobs I can still hear.

David steps towards me. “You were trying to leave again?”

“I wasn’t going to go with her,” I respond hurriedly. “She just appeared out of nowhere in the greenhouse and Copyright 2016 - 2024