The Gambler - Raquel Belle Page 0,44

break. I thought I’d check in on you, from afar.”

Although the idea of the eye-in-the-sky being present anywhere and anytime still freaks me out, the thought of David wanting to check in on me makes me smile. He’s looking sexier than ever at the moment, sheepishly scratching the stubble on his chin. He seems to get a five-o-clock shadow by this time every day and it adds to his tough guy image. I notice that his dark hint of beard is likewise sprinkled with the slightest flecks of silver, like the hair at his temples.

“I thought of another thing that I’ve experienced in Vegas that I never experienced before in Parkville,” I say, leaning forward slightly. My heart is racing.

“What’s that?” He cocks an eyebrow at me.

“A Brazilian bikini wax.”

“Hm.” He stands up and comes towards me. “And how do you like it?”

“It hurt.”

“And were you thinking of me during?”

“Maybe,” I concede, looking down.

“And how does it feel now?” He reaches down and grabs me by the wrist, jerking me swiftly to my feet and into his arms. I feel the strength of his chest under my hands. Pressed against him, I’m praying he can’t feel how rapidly my heart is beating. “Hmm? You didn’t touch yourself did you?”


“Good.” He reaches a hand down and pulls my dress up enough so that he can reach my panties. Tugging them impatiently to one side, he runs the palm of his hand firmly over my pussy. My skin is still feeling raw from the wax but I notice right away how smoothly his hand glides over my sensitive skin. “Feels nice,” he whispers, before leaning down and bringing his mouth to mine.

I press against him, moving my arms around his neck as we kiss.

And then his phone rings. It’s a different ringer than the usual one, I notice. Weird.

“Shit.” He explodes, pushing me back and reaching for the phone. “What?” He barks as a greeting. He listens intently, his brow furrowing. “I’ll be right down.” He ends the call, cursing all the while. “I have to go.”


“I’ll be back in a bit. Don’t go to sleep without me,” he orders. He’s back into business mode, bossing me around. He’s already striding for the door and pounding the elevator button. “And remember,” he turns back just as the doors open, “don’t you dare fucking touch your pussy. That’s my dessert for later.” He steps into the elevator and flashes a last grin at me as the doors close behind him.

Again, I feel a rush of disappointment as I watch him disappear, just like I did when he left me on the terrace last night. Now I’ve got nothing to do but wait for him to return, and who knows when that will be. Maybe I should go for a walk? But what if David comes back and I’m not here?

Luckily I’m not alone for long because I’m almost startled when Marta magically appears. David must be telling her when it’s safe to come in.

“Would you like a turndown service?” She smiles, holding out a box of chocolates towards me. It’s good to see her. Great even! Someone to talk to. She seems more comfortable around me than she was before.

“Yes, please.” I grin as I take the box. Four delicate pralines are nestled inside. I take one and then hold out the box to Marta. “Want one?”

“No, thank you.” She steps back, suddenly becoming shy again. Stupid Lilly. Would she get in trouble for something like that? No, she’s just shy.

I try again, “Please, have one.” I force the box right up at her.

“No, miss—”

“PLEASE Marta!” I don’t know why this is so important to me, but it is.

I think I startled her, but she flashes me a smile and finally takes one. “Thank you, miss.” I know she’s doing it more for me than for her, because she quickly pockets the chocolate and gets back to work.

I watch as Marta gives the room a quick once-over, emptying the garbage and clearing away the room service plates. I can’t just sit and watch her in good conscience, so I get up to help—even though she makes a hoopla about it.

“Please, Miss, that’s my job.”

“Please call me Lilly,” I ask her again. “It makes me feel more at home,” I say. It’s true.

“Okay… Lilly.” She gives me that sweet, shy smile again, her dark eyes getting warmer. “But please, you have to let me do all of this.” She gestures at the empty plate Copyright 2016 - 2024