The Gambler - Raquel Belle Page 0,33

out here on the terrace, in the open air. But the look on his face makes it clear I’d better pay attention.

He traces a finger up my leg, from my ankle to the inner thigh. I realize with embarrassment that moisture is dripping down my thighs.

“You seemed to enjoy that,” he murmurs. “You’re so wet, you’re dripping all over the goddamned terrace,” he adds with a chuckle. His hand is almost at my pussy, which is still throbbing post-orgasm and sensitive to the touch. He slaps me once, lightly, sending a shock of sensations through my clit and causing me to shudder again. But I shrink back against the railing. I’m still sensitive after the orgasm and the added touch is too much to handle.

“Tomorrow I want you go to go the salon,” he tells me.

“I went today.”

“I want you to get a bikini wax. A Brazilian.”

“You mean, get rid of everything?” I’ve read about Brazilian bikini waxes in women’s magazines, of course, but I’ve never gotten one. I don’t think there’s even a place that would do a Brazilian wax back home. You’d have to drive to a bigger city nearby.

“All of it.” He stands abruptly. “Wait here. And don’t you dare sit down. Or let go of that railing. Just don’t move at all.” He steps away, disappearing into the penthouse. I hear him rummaging around in the bathroom adjoining the master suite.

When he returns, he’s stripped down and is now naked. And he’s carrying a large purple dildo. At least, I think it’s a dildo. It looks about eight inches in length and the girth is much more than I’d expect. It’s made of rubber and the outside has tiny ridges running all around it.

“Have you ever used one of these before?” He asks, holding it in front of me.

I shake my head. Like a bikini wax, buying a sex toy is probably impossible in Parkville. And I’d never dare order something like this online and have it delivered, since I still live with my parents.

“But you know what it is?” He asks.

“A dildo?” I curse myself for making my answer sound like a question.

“Kind of,” he grins. “It’s actually a vibrator.” He presses an unseen button and the sex toy comes to life, making a low humming noise. “Here,” he thrusts it at me. I hesitantly reach a hand forward and take it, feeling the vibrations in my fingertips. “Use it.”

I just stare at him, holding the vibrator.

“Now. There’s no need to be shy. I’ll just watch.” He steps back from me and takes his dick in his own hands, stroking it gently as his eyes watch me hungrily. “Go ahead.”

I hesitantly place the vibrator against my clit, shying away from the pulsating rhythm. I’m still sensitive from the last orgasm and it doesn’t feel good.

“Put it inside of you.” His voice is strained and I see the muscles of his forearms tensing as he strokes himself more quickly, running his hand along the full length of his dick.

I slip the vibrator’s tip inside of me and give a gasp. The vibrations, coupled with the textured rubber, make it feel like every nerve ending inside of me is being touched at once.

“Put it all the way in.”

Slowly, I slip the vibrator in further. I tighten my grip on the railing behind me with my other hand as I feel my body start to respond to the steady pulse deep inside of me. All the while, I’m maintaining eye contact with David.

“Tell me when you’re close.” His voice cuts into my thoughts.

“I will.” The words come out barely above a whisper. I realize my throat is dry and lick my lips. My glance only leaves his face occasionally to rest on the sight of him pleasuring himself. My hand instinctively increases the pressure on the vibrator, pushing it further inside of me, whenever I look at his dick.

“You feel that little button on the base? Where your hand is?”

“Yes.” I can feel a small, raised bit of rubber. It seems like it’s a button.

“Push it.”

I do and the vibrator increases speed. I let out a low moan in response. Within seconds, I can feel the blood rushing to my clit and a thump in my pussy as it contracts in pleasure. I forget where I am completely. I don’t think of the Las Vegas skyline or of the fact that I’m butt-naked, masturbating in the open air. I don’t think of the people on the streets below Copyright 2016 - 2024