The Gambler - Raquel Belle Page 0,145

to cry as I try to get through the words I’m about to speak. For weeks, I’ve been worried that I’d break down in tears during the vows—especially if I heard David’s first—and that I then wouldn’t be able to go on with the ceremony. I’m still terrified now, as I get ready to bare my heart to him in front of all these people. But I know I can do it. I think back to David’s proposal, how he told me courage isn’t about never being scared, but about being scared and going ahead anyway. It’s doing things even when you are scared, he’d said to me then. I take a deep breath.

“David. When I first met you, you seemed to live in a different world—one that I could never imagine being a part of. You were larger than life. Even a little scary.” The crowd chuckles. “Over the past year, I’ve come to know you and your world. You’ve helped me to feel at home here, and make me feel like I belong. You’ve been strong for me when I couldn’t be, raised me up and pushed me forward when I’d have stayed still, you’ve held my hand every step of the way and made me feel safe because I knew you’d never let go. You took my heart and guarded it fiercely.” I see David blink quickly at these words. I can barely get these last words out, but I try. “Although I didn’t recognize it at first, you have always been my King of Hearts. And today, I’m so proud to become your Queen.”

David’s dark eyes sparkle with a fresh fire as I speak these last words and he squeezes my hands, held in his, hard. Then he locks his eyes with mine and speaks.

“Lilly, when I first met you, I couldn’t take my eyes off you. It’s like we were connected in some way that’s just beyond explaining. You were just coming into your own. I loved you then—more than you can know. And if it’s possible, I love you even more now for the strong woman you’ve become. You never cease to amaze me with your courage, your conviction, and your compassion. As some of you may know, I enjoy gambling now and then.” A small wave of laugher runs across the crowd. “But with Lilly, I’m not gambling anymore.” He looks to me, his dark, smoldering gaze penetrating my very soul, meaning every word he says, “I know…beyond a shadow of all doubt…that you’re the person I’ve been waiting for all my life. I didn’t even know that I could want someone so much till I met you. If I have you…my queen…I have everything. I will never let you go.”

I’m overwhelmed, I would’ve definitely started crying if he went first. Without a word, I grab him by the lapels of his tuxedo jacket and pull myself into his waiting arms and kiss him—long and deep.

“Well then, I guess you can kiss the bride!” Elvis calls out. I smile through our kisses as I hear a roar of applause growing around us. Finally, we pull back and face the crowd.

“Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Mr. and Mrs. Milner. Your King and Queen of Hearts! The King and Queen of Vegas!” Elvis bellows the words out to cheers and laughter. Finally, the tears that were threatening to spill over come out. But I’m laughing too, overwhelmed by every emotion.

David takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. The string quartet strikes up again—but this time instead of the wedding march, they’re playing the chorus of Elvis Presley’s “Viva Las Vegas!” I burst out laughing as David and I walk down the aisle to cheers and smiling faces.

“You planned that in secret!” I shout to him over the din.

“Just wanted to end on a happy note in case the vows got us choked up,” he grins.

“Good call.” I’ve seen more of this side of David over the past year, which I adore. His silly, goofy side is just as attractive to me as the big bad casino boss. And I love them both. There’s still the reception to come today, with family and friends, and then a fairytale honeymoon in Monte Carlo. And then? Who knows. As we make our way through the large double doors at the back of the chapel, followed by those we love, I’ve never been happier. I don’t know what lies ahead in the big picture but I know Copyright 2016 - 2024