The Gambler - Raquel Belle Page 0,139

mustache, likewise all grey, is perfectly groomed. In one hand he carries a briefcase, with the other he leans heavily on a dark cane—it has a silver phoenix at the top for a handle.

“He looks impressive,” Lilly whispers, a hint of fear on her face.

“So do you,” I whisper back. We exit the car and step towards him.

“David.” Gerald puts the briefcase down and extends his hand to shake mine, his face crinkling into a smile. “And chef Lilly.”

“I’m so sorry about yesterday,” she hurriedly starts talking, the words tumbling over one another. “I don’t know if David explained but—”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” He shakes his head and raises his hand, like it’s no big deal. “David told me you got into an unexpected spot of trouble.” He clicks his tongue and shakes his head again. “Such a shame! What a welcome wagon. You must believe me, this is not the real Las Vegas.”

Lilly colors prettily. “Thank you for your kind words.”

“So, let’s head in.” Gerald is like me. He doesn’t like to waste time. He takes a key out of his pocket and unlocks the front door, stepping inside with Lilly and myself in tow. Then he flicks on some lights.

“Wow.” Lilly exhales. “It’s gorgeous.”

Gerald looks at me, his eyes twinkling. “Maybe I leave this with you,” he nods towards the briefcase, “and let you do the honors.” He hands me the keys. Lilly is busily inspecting the large mahogany bar in the center of the room and doesn’t even notice. “Got it from here?”


“Good.” He gives me a nod and hobbles back out the door, his cane clicking on the floor beneath.

Without hesitation, I head towards the rear, where the kitchen is. “Come on,” I call over my shoulder. “This is what you really want to see, isn’t it?” I step through the swinging doors to the back.

“David! Are you sure we should just be barging in like this?” Lilly says, sounding a little panicked. “Where did Gerald go?” But she falls silent as we step into the kitchen and I put the lights on. She’s entranced, her eyes shining as she stares around the room. The white tiled floors are polished to perfection and the stainless steel countertops are gleaming. Industrial-sized freezers and fridges hum at one end of the room while at the other end, the stoves and ovens wait to be lit.

She stares around the room, her mouth forming that lovely “O” of astonishment I’ve come to adore so much. Her hazel eyes are wide as she gazes from one spot to the next.

“Like it?” I ask, feeling a smile spread over my face.

“Oh yes!” She clasps her hands in front of her, beaming with joy.

“Good. Because it’s yours.”

“What?” She’s so startled she steps backward, right into one of the fridges.

“Careful.” The shock on her face is evident.

“What’d you say?”

“I said, it’s yours.”

“You mean because I’m the head chef.” Her brow furrows.

“No. You own it.” I thrust the keys towards her. “It’s yours to do whatever you want with. Run the show. Cook, manage it, renovate it, rebrand it, whatever you want. You’re calling the shots.”

She reaches her hand out for a moment, the corners of her mouth turning up in a smile. But then she snatches her hand back, quickly, and her face grows serious.

“I can’t.” She purses her lips together and sets them in a firm line, shaking her head lightly. “I can’t accept this from you.”

“Of course you can, Lilly. You deserve it.”

“No. Not like this.” She shakes her head again. “You’ve already done so much. You’ve changed my entire world. And my family’s.”

“Well, it’s not free and clear.” I walk to a nearby counter and put the briefcase on top of it, clicking open the lock. “I’ve had these contracts drawn up.”

“Always the businessman, hmm?” A smile twitches at the corners of her mouth.

“Well, I figured you wouldn’t accept it as a gift.” I send her a grin as I pull out the paperwork. “You would technically be the owner. Majority share. That means you’ll make all the decisions. But you’d have a couple of silent partners. Me. And Gerald.”

“Really?” Her voice squeaks up an octave, adorably. “So it would be a real business agreement.”

“Of course. Gerald and I expect our share of the profits. It’s on you to deliver.”

“So you’ve just casually decided to invest in this restaurant now?”

“Well, let’s put it this way. I believe in the head chef who will be overseeing this restaurant.” I put the papers Copyright 2016 - 2024