Gabriel - Jessie Cooke Page 0,19

jeans were covered in blood and now sweat was rolling off Gabe’s face and down his back. He stepped out of the boat and in knee-deep swamp water, he began pushing it out further in the water. By the time the water was waist deep he figured he’d be able to steer it, or at least he hoped so. Carefully, he pulled himself in next to Chance, almost flipping it over twice before he was able to get in. Then the trick was to get up on his knees so that he could even out his own weight and reach the water with the stick to paddle the boat.

Gabe put the stick over the side and began to paddle. The water was still. There was no current where they were, and not a breath of wind in the air. Luckily he was in good shape...but either way, it was going to be a long, fucking night, if he made it through.


Blackheart rolled over and put his big arm across Sally’s slim back. He buried his face in her hair and inhaled it...he couldn’t believe how many years he’d wasted when it came to her. After she’d told him she’d never marry him, or even agree to be his old lady, he’d tried to distance himself from her. It didn’t take him long to figure out he’d never be able to cut her out of his life completely. She was like a staple, something like the air he breathed or the water he drank everyday...he simply couldn’t function without her. So he’d continued to see her for sex, often. But the minute he finished he’d dress and leave and they’d both go on about their separate lives. It took almost losing her for him to realize how much time he’d wasted. He loved waking up next to her and he’d found out that the days he did gave him a renewed energy and positive outlook that made getting through his sometimes hectic, stressful days a thousand times easier.

He rolled her into him with her back facing his front and ground his hips into her backside. Sally sighed, contentedly, and pushed back against him. His lips found her neck and with his face completely covered by her long, satiny hair, he went to work using his lips and teeth to touch on the spots that he knew would drive her crazy. She moaned and straightened out her legs, pushing back into his morning erection even harder.

“What time is it, baby?”

“Le temps ne veut rien dire quand tu es dans mes bras, mon amour.”

Sally giggled. “Oh, how I wish it was true that time meant nothing when we’re together, but unfortunately time means everything when you have a clock to punch and three toddlers to check on.” She rolled over on her back and his lips were suddenly deprived of her neck, but that didn’t deter him. He started with her collarbone and worked his way down to one of her breasts. She shuddered and groaned when she felt his tongue on her hard nipple. He could feel the goosebumps form on her body against his hot skin that was pressed into hers. “Evan...?”

He nipped at her nipple with his teeth and she groaned again, finally putting her hands on the sides of his face and pulling his head up so that she could look into his eyes. “I love that. I love you. But I have to get in the shower...”

“Okay,” he said with a grin. “I’ll join you. Go fire it up.”

She laughed again and rolled her eyes at him, but he knew from the kiss she gave him before she got out of bed that she wouldn’t turn him down when he showed up. He treated himself to the sight of her naked body as she got out of bed and made her way into the bathroom, and then with a huge smile on his face, he sat up. As soon as he did, the smile fell. His eyes had landed on his phone, lying next to the bed with the sound turned off. There were at least six text messages showing and as he read the first one, he felt a sick knot in the pit of his stomach. It was from Le Singe;

“No one has heard from them, and no one can reach them. They’ve both been gone all night.”

Blackheart cursed and picked up the phone. He began going through each of the messages. There were several from Copyright 2016 - 2024