Gabe (Special Forces - Operation Alpha) - Riley Edwards Page 0,94

going to happen. It was part of the reason I hadn’t told my parents I was in danger.

Side note: as I could get lost in my head for hours and dwell, my mom could do the same but she did with worrying. As I was an overthinker, my father was an over-reactor. He was protective over my mom and me and I’d always loved that until he became overbearing and tried to take over.

And that was where I knew he’d take it, hence my not wanting to call. Anaya meant well, was very worried about my state of mind, and did what she thought was right. Now I needed to do damage control before I lost my temper.

“Dad. I know you’re trying to look out for me but I’m not moving to Milwaukee.”

“We’ll discuss it after I speak to Mr. Lewis.”

I didn’t miss the firm, tight, I-am-your-father tone. But I wasn’t sixteen asking to borrow the car. Nor was I seventeen asking to extend my curfew. There would be no discussion.

“I love you, Dad. I appreciate you coming here to check on me but I’m not moving to Milwaukee. Period.”

“You’ll feel differently after you go back to the hotel with your mother and me. You’ll get a good night’s sleep and you’ll see the wisdom in moving home.”

I felt my torso jerk back and as hard as I tried to contain it I couldn’t. That poison Zane had talked about churned in my stomach until I saw a haze of red.

“I’m not leaving this room.” I was aware I sounded like I was possessed. I just didn’t give a shit. “I was trying to be respectful and nice but what I really meant was, I won’t be talking to you about my future living arrangements because I’m a goddamn adult and you’ll treat me as such.”

“Evette,” my mom whispered.

“What? I am a grown woman. Two days ago my ass was tied to a fucking chair. This was after Gabe was shot, we were drugged, then taken hostage. That man right there saved my life. Look at him. Look at what he went through for me. He took it so I wouldn’t. And Dad waltzes in here and thinks I’m gonna go to the hotel and have a nice snooze in a comfy bed then wake up tomorrow and think, gee I think I should move home so my daddy can take care of me and leave Gabe. Um. No. Hell no. I will be leaving Riverton. But I’ll be moving in with Gabe.”

I should’ve stopped my tirade. I knew it. I knew I was being a supreme bitch to my dad. The man who’d shown me nothing but love my whole life. But I couldn’t stop. All the pent-up bad stuff bubbled over until I wanted to lash out and hurt someone.

What was wrong with me?

“He saved my life, Dad. That man right there loves me so much he let that happen to save me.”

“Actually,” a voice croaked. “You saved my life.”

My eyes drifted closed and my body locked tight.

Scratchy. Coarse. Rough.

Music to my ears.

“Evette, honey.”

Raspy. Unused. Abrasive.


I finally got my wits about me and turned.

And there lying in the bed looking up at me through swollen lids were the most beautiful, soulful, magnetic pair of brown eyes.


I scooted closer to the bed and picked up Gabe’s hand. His fingers wrapped around my palm, and with surprising strength—since moments ago he was unconscious—he tugged me closer.

“You all right?”

And cue the tears. Thankfully, I didn’t break down into out-and-out hysterics but the waterworks were definitely on full blast.

“Yeah, Gabe, I’m all right.”

“Good. Now, what’s all the shouting about?”


“We should call your doctor…”

I didn’t get a chance to finish my thought because Gabe yanked me even closer.

“I’m fine,” he told me and lifted his other hand to brush the tears away. But as soon as he wiped them away more rolled down my cheeks. “My brave, Evette. So fierce. So beautiful.”

I heard a feminine sob and I wasn’t sure if it was from my mom or Anaya. Ivy and Natasha had taken little Maxine outside to get some fresh air. Thankfully neither one had pressured me to leave with them so I knew it couldn’t be one of them. Not that it mattered who was sniffling in the background. Gabe was awake. He was talking. And he was looking at me.

The room could’ve caught fire and I would’ve ignored it.

“I was so scared,” I admitted.

“I was, too. So fucking scared they’d find Copyright 2016 - 2024