Gabe (Special Forces - Operation Alpha) - Riley Edwards Page 0,89

to call. I had a mom who would be beside herself with glee that I’d found a good man. And a dad who would come to Maryland to check out the man in my life.

I had everything to live for and so did Gabe.

My thoughts were quelled when I heard a twig snap. I held my breath and waited. One beat, two, and I heard it again. Someone was out there.

I scooted away from Gabe’s side, positioned myself in front of him, and raised the gun. I should’ve taken the time to check how many bullets I had.


Quiet fell all around—thick and heavy and oppressive.

Someone was close. I could feel it. All the hair on my arms stood up and goose bumps broke out.

There was a shuffle and another snap and I could take it no more.

“One more step and I’ll shoot you.”


“Don’t come any closer.”

“It’s Zane.”

No, it wasn’t. It didn’t sound like him.

“I swear to God I’ll shoot.”

“I’m castrating the rest of the goddamn team.” I heard someone mutter and I started to doubt myself. “It’s Zane. Put the gun down and let me get to Gabe.”



“Back the fuck up and turn on a flashlight so I can see you.”

“For the love of all things holy. She wants to confirm my identity. Gabe couldn’t have picked some sniveling woman who obeys orders?” There was a pause then a thin stream of light lit up the darkness and he turned it to illuminate his face. “Better? You still gonna shoot me?”

“Maybe. But only because you’re pretty much a jerk all of the time.”

The light flashed in my direction and I flinched before I cast my gaze to the ground.

“Jesus fucking hell.”

Zane stepped forward and I didn’t know what came over me but when he offered me his hand to help me stand I broke down.

The relief was so palpable my body bucked with it. And a cry ripped from my belly and escaped in a rush of release.

“Hey,” Zane cooed. “I got you, darlin’. Everything’s good. We’re gonna get Gabe down this mountain and to the hospital.”

I nodded and Zane gave me a careful squeeze. “You did good, Evette. Real good.”

I nodded again and let Zane go.

“What am I working with here?”

“His shoulder’s still bleeding. It went through the gauze and my shirt. I think the gash on his forehead slowed. Broken ribs. Concussion. He was dizzy, stumbling, and slurring; that’s why I couldn’t get us farther. If he fell I couldn’t carry him. He said he could breathe before he passed out. Every once in a while he moans but I haven’t been able to wake him up.”

“How long has he been out?”

“I don’t know. Best guess over an hour.”

“Ten-minute walk to here, maybe a little more, and it’s been two hours, thirty minutes since I talked to him.”

Wow. That long.

“That’s not good,” I whispered.

Zane Lewis didn’t acknowledge my statement. Instead, he said, “One last thing I need you to do is walk out of here. Can you do that for me?”


“Let’s go.”

I stepped out of the way. Zane leaned down and with superhuman strength, he picked up Gabe like he was a baby.

Then we walked through the woods.

Gabe was silent the entire way.

Chapter 28

“He’s gonna wake up,” Anaya said.

“I know.”

I didn’t know, but after two days, agreeing was easier. Agreeing meant my friend didn’t give me forlorn looks. It meant that Zane’s face didn’t get tight when he looked at me. Zane was worried; he didn’t need to be worried about me on top of Gabe.

“Go with Anaya and Kyle, get something to eat,” Cooper suggested.

The mere mention of food made my heart clench. It was silly, but I wanted Gabe to ask if I was hungry. I wanted him to scowl at me when I skipped a meal. I wanted to see his beautiful, soulful brown eyes.

I wanted him to wake up.

“I’m not hungry.”


“Please drop it.”

Cooper snapped his mouth closed and narrowed his angry eyes. “Just so you know, I’m keeping track.”

“Keeping track of what?”

“All the times you’ve refused food. That way when Gabe wakes up, I can tell him.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” I narrowed my eyes in return.

“I would. And he’s gonna be pissed. You have to eat. It’s been two days and you haven’t left this room. Hell, you’ve barely gotten up from that chair. You need to—”

“I need to be right here, Coop. I promised him I’d keep him safe. I’m not leaving.”

Everything about Cooper Cain changed. His eyes turned soft and his face relaxed.

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