Gabe (Special Forces - Operation Alpha) - Riley Edwards Page 0,74

only because he was carrying Lawson over his shoulder. And I don’t know too many women who could carry a two-hundred-pound man then toss him. That being said, no car caught on any camera, nothing even indicating where he parked. He’s a ghost. Which tells us Abrams isn’t messing around; they sent a professional to take him out. Means they either caught on to what Delilah sent or they’re just plain freaked. She’s essentially quit her job and run and now they’re trying to clean up.”

“Any ideas who Abrams would hire for a job like this?” Cooper asked.

“My guess is they’d keep this in-house. I’m running checks on all their security personal but so far no one’s standing out. Something for you to ask Delilah when Evette calls her,” Tex returned.

And suddenly I was nervous about what I was going to say to Delilah. Yesterday I wasn’t all that fired-up about convincing her to meet with Myles and Kevin, assuming Delilah was in California. I trusted Gabe with my life but I wasn’t sure I trusted him with hers. He’d given every indication he’d put my safety above all else, and he didn’t believe Delilah was on our side. I didn’t think Myles and Kevin would hurt her as such, but I also wasn’t under the illusion she’d be treated to a five-star hotel and an abundance of friendly conversation. They’d interrogate her and probably scare the bejeezus out of her by their presence alone.

But now I needed to persuade her to accept their help.

“How much can I tell her?”

“What do you mean?” My gaze went to Lincoln and I was momentarily struck by how blue his eyes were. Much like his brother’s only a shade lighter. I figured that was because he didn’t have the same demons shadowing his, the way Gabe explained that Zane had.

I hadn’t met Lincoln’s wife Jasmin, though Anaya had told me about her. Tough but sweet, that was how Anaya had described her, and looking at Lincoln I knew it was the tough that attracted him but it was the sweet that hooked him.

Then something occurred to me. These men weren’t normal. They didn’t grow and learn how to be protectors, they were born that way. It was something—instinct, nature, compulsion—that made them who they were.

Anaya had one. Piper and Kalee had the same. And I did, too. Gabe would move heaven and earth to keep me safe, I knew that. But he’d also give his life to save mine. I didn’t know how I knew that but I did and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

“Evette?” Gabe called.

“Yeah, sorry. I mean, when I talk to Delilah how much can I tell her about what you’ve uncovered? And if she’s not supposed to know I’m here, how should I say I found all this information?”

“You need to tell her everything you know and use it to motivate her into meeting with Myles. He can get her safe and her going to him rather than him and Kevin wasting time looking for her.” That came from Gabe and I was shocked at his change of opinion.

“So, you think she’s on our side?”

“Said it once and I’ll repeat, I don’t trust anyone outside of my team to keep you safe. But, yeah, I think she was trying to get information to you. I get why she did it—looking for an ally. But I can’t say I’m happy that ally was you. What she sent you put your life in danger.”

“Gabe, me poking around put me in danger. Like Tex said, if Abrams knew what Delilah had sent me, they wouldn’t have sent a carjacker after me, they would’ve sent the other guy. The one who obviously knows what he’s doing.”

Gabe’s face turned to stone and the air surrounding us chilled. It was so cold I felt it clawing its way through my skin until it seeped into my bones. And when he spoke I knew just how unhappy he was.

“You must’ve missed this part, but you’re still in danger. Lawson’s dead, taken out by a professional and if he’s not right now hunting Delilah he’s searching for you. Abrams has made it clear they’re willing to kill to keep a lid on this information. You have this information, Evette; they know it and they want it back.”

I actually hadn’t missed that part. I was just ignoring it so I didn’t freak the hell out and mess up my call with Delilah. I needed to Copyright 2016 - 2024