Gabe (Special Forces - Operation Alpha) - Riley Edwards Page 0,58

you tell me, Evette, why does a woman run and do it in a way that doesn’t leave a trail?”

I could think of a few reasons.

“Because someone is after her.”

“Right. Now the question is why. Is she running from us or Abrams?”

“Abrams,” I quickly answered.

Gabe sighed and shook his head.

“Honey, I get you wanna believe she’s on your side. And I’m not saying she isn’t. Delilah might very well be. But you need to get this—I will not under any circumstances put your life at risk. I need more than might bes and looks likes before I believe she’s helping. And then I need a hell of a lot more before I trust her.”

“But, Gabe—”

Gabe’s face turned to stone and his eyes narrowed before he shook his head.

“No, Evette. No buts. We’re working to bring her in. No harm will come to her. But saying that, Delilah Watts is not my responsibility. You are. And I will not allow anyone who I deem a threat close to you. My only priority is keeping you safe. That’s it.” Gabe paused and some of the harshness went out of his features before he continued. “You said you trusted me. So now I’m asking you to please do that.”

I did trust Gabe. If he said no harm would come to Delilah I believed him.

“I trust you,” I told him.

Gabe tightened his hand on the back of my neck and he put pressure there, bringing me closer while he dipped his head. He finished this maneuver with a kiss on my forehead.

“Thank you,” he murmured his gratitude against my skin and I closed my eyes.

I wanted to pull away from him at the same time I wanted him to pull me closer. I wanted to bask in his affection.

I want more than he’s offering.

“I trust you but I need you to trust me, too,” I told him. “I want to talk to Delilah. I know it’s a long shot she’ll answer me but I still want to try.”

Gabe rested his forehead against mine and his other arm wrapped around me.

Pulling me closer.


“There’s no difference between Garrett and Zane communicating with her and me. She knows I’m here. I will be in no more danger than I am now. Maybe I can get her to meet with Myles and Kevin.”

“She’s right,” Cooper said. “It’s worth a shot. It would save a lot of time if Evette can talk Delilah into a meeting.”

Gabe didn’t lift his head when he said, “We’ve been over this. She might not know you’re with us.”

“And I’ll repeat what I told you at the office. I know you’ll keep me safe. Please let me do this.”

Gabe let out a ragged breath, his forehead came off of mine, but he didn’t let me go. His gaze dropped to mine and he held my eyes for a good long while. I was about to plead my case when he finally spoke, sounding wary.

“Goes against the grain of a man like me. Everything inside of me is telling me to take you and run. Hide you away while my team handles the situation. Four times someone tried to take your life. Four times you got lucky. I don’t want there to be a fifth. I don’t want you putting yourself out there. I don’t want you any-fucking-where near this. And if I thought for a second you’d go along with my plan we’d be gone and I’d have you someplace cut off from the outside world. But I know you. And I know you’d fight me every step.”

He was right, I would fight him. I might’ve sought out Kyle to warn him about what I’d done and ask him for help but that didn’t mean I didn’t want to be an active participant in figuring out who was trying to kill me. And I certainly wanted to be involved in researching Abrams. Not to mention, I was going to bring down those responsible for putting Kalee through hell. Someone would pay for all the months my friend was held captive and made to do unspeakable things.

What had me stunned was that Gabe knew that about me. I mean, I hadn’t exactly hidden who I was and what I wanted but it surprised me that he’d paid enough attention to know that I wouldn’t run away with him and leave my problems to others.

“But I have three conditions,” Gabe continued. “You only attempt communication using whatever protocols Garrett sets up. He can mask your location. Copyright 2016 - 2024