Gabe (Special Forces - Operation Alpha) - Riley Edwards Page 0,38

her pretty face but homed in on her eyes. Brown like mine, but different. Lighter, clear, and bright. If it was true and the eyes were a window into the soul hers was pure. Untarnished. Too good for a man like me. It was a good thing she’d be leaving—going back to her life where she could find someone worthy of her time.

She pulled her lip between her teeth and squirmed. Any other woman did that, I’d think she was playing me. Trying to play coy or draw attention to her mouth. A move I’d seen countless times by countless women. But I’d learned Evette didn’t play games. She went after what she wanted, she spoke honestly. It wasn’t until she went into her head and started to overthink did she get embarrassed. So her worrying her lip was not a ploy, it was nervousness.

“Owen’s a good guy,” I told her and glanced over her shoulder to find him shifting through papers on the table.

Papers he must’ve brought with him because I hadn’t brought any work home with me.

Evette released her lip and said, “I know.”

“Then what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I just don’t want to be rude.”

I thought about what she said and had to admit, I was being rude. I wanted to feed Owen and get him on his way so I could spend time with Evette.

No. You want to be alone to have sex. Not spend time with her.

It was a small nuance—the difference between being alone and spending time with her. But the distinction was huge.

“Yo,” I called to Owen. “Do you want Evette to make a salad?”

“No thanks. I’m good.”

I dropped my gaze back to Evette and uncertainty shone in her eyes.

“Now, tell me what’s bothering you.”



Evette’s spine snapped straight and she jabbed a finger my way.


“You don’t know me well enough to call bullshit, Gabe.”

“I think I do.”

In my opinion, I knew her in all the important ways. I’d have liked to contain my knowledge strictly to her body, however that would’ve been a big fat fucking lie. Unfortunately, it seemed my sole mission these last few days was to study Evette. It hadn’t taken me long to figure her out. She was simple, really. Independent and smart both led to her pulling into herself to find answers. She didn’t reach out for help, she was a problem solver. And right now standing in front of me she was in her head, over-analyzing everything she’d said and done.

I knew it.

But I wanted her to open up to me.

“You don’t.”

And we could add stubbornness to the list of things I knew about her.

“You’re thinking too hard. You’re going over every moment we shared starting from what happened right here in the kitchen. So let me put your mind at ease so you can enjoy the rest of your night. I loved every minute. No, I seriously fucking loved every second. Everything you said, everything you did, every sound, every move.”

“Gabe.” Her eyes widened and she shook her head. “Owen.”

“He’s not paying attention to us.”

“Yeah, I am.”

Evette’s spine stiffened and if looks could kill I’d be bloody and banged up.

“Told you, payback,” Owen continued. “Oh, how sweet it is. Want me to run out and grab you a box of—”

“Shut up and stop embarrassing Evette.”

Without missing a beat Owen explained, “Sorry, Evette, I’m not trying to embarrass you. I’m trying to teach our friend Gabe what happens when he busts people’s chops. When the time rolls around you have to be a good sport and take it.”

“How am I not being a good sport? Bust my balls all you want, just leave Evette out of it. Unless of course, you want me to remind you in front of Nat that I had to sleep with EarPro in to silence your bed rocking against the wall. Bet she’d love the reminder the whole house heard her—”

“Point taken.”

Evette’s brows were pinched together and I instantly regretted my outburst.

“I didn’t really sleep with EarPro in.”

That was the truth, I hadn’t but I had seriously considered it.

“What?” She jerked her chin in surprise. “Sorry, I didn’t hear what you said. I was thinking about something.”

I gave her a moment to elaborate and when she didn’t I asked, “What were you thinking about?”


“Come again?”

“I was thinking about Abrams and why they’d want to lease land in a country that’s in shambles. There’s civil unrest, the rebels are in control of some pockets, and the defense force is struggling to protect the locals. Why would Copyright 2016 - 2024