Gabe (Special Forces - Operation Alpha) - Riley Edwards Page 0,111

tongue to lie to her but she needed to understand she was free and clear and safe.

“Aviv Abrams is crystal clear about what will happen to him if harm comes to you. Aviv’s seen the wisdom in keeping his distance. So, yes, Zane explained how evisceration would be a painful way to die.”

Evette made a hilarious grossed-out face and shook her head.

“Let's hope Aviv stays smart. That sounds messy and Ivy has expressed her dislike in removing bloodstains from Zane’s shirts. I’d like her not to get pissed at me if I was the cause of such an uncivilized task.”

I wisely didn’t tell her disembowelment wouldn’t lead to stain removal—too much blood.

“Now that the seal is broken does that mean we all now have an open invite to Casa De Gabe?” Owen asked.

“Nope. I won’t open the door if you show up unannounced.”

“I will,” Evette contradicted.

“They’re like stray dogs. You feed them and they’ll never leave,” I warned.


Natasha smiled at Evette and it hit me all that Evette was leaving behind. She was close to Piper and Kalee. And while she was also close to Anaya she’d need more women around. Natasha would be a good friend for her. So would the other wives from Gold and Red Team. They’d pull her into the fold and make her feel welcome.

She’d make our house a home.

“You like cigars, son?”

I looked up from my tablet and found Joe standing in front of the couch I’d been ordered to stay put on.

“On occasion.”

“Then let this be one of those occasions.”

Joe didn’t wait for me to agree before he turned and started to make his way out to the sunroom.

It was late. Everyone had helped Jenn and Evette clean up then they loaded up and left.

I wasn’t in the mood to enjoy a cigar. I was dog-ass tired and every inch of me throbbed. I wanted Evette to finish up her coffee and conversation with her mom and go to bed. But it seemed Joe had something on his mind. And since they were going home tomorrow I suspected I knew what that was. Further, I knew I was going to get my ass off the couch and go talk with the man.

We hadn’t discussed Evette’s living arrangements directly. He’d spoken to his wife and daughter about it and by all accounts seemed good but that didn’t mean he was. Joe struck me as a man’s man so if he had an issue he’d take it up with me, not with Evette or Jenn.

Which I appreciated, just not while I felt like my head was going to split open and my ribs were sparking fire.

Still, I gingerly got up and joined Joe in the sunroom.

I closed the French doors, giving us privacy, and moved to the chair opposite him.

“I can see you’re in pain so I’ll make this short and will save the cigar for a time where we can enjoy them.”

“Appreciate that, Joe.”

“I’ll get right to it, then. I was out of line and wrong back at the hospital. Evette was right to say what she said and I’ve told her so. I need to extend my apologies to you and share my gratitude.”

“That’s unnecessary.”

“That’s bullcrap and we both know it. When a man’s stepped outta line he admits it and makes amends or he’s worthless. But the type of man you are, I reckon you know that already. I know tomorrow when I go home I’m leaving my girl in good hands. And I want you to know I came to this conclusion before we got here. It’s not lost on me with this house, you’ve got yourself some money. You need to know that while I like knowing you have the means to look after her, I like more the way you do it. It also wasn’t lost on me that when you woke up your first concern was for her. I was just too bullheaded and scared to see it. I trust Evette. So if she tells me you’re the man she loves and is going to one day marry then I trust that’s the case. With that, I have some fatherly advice for you.” Joe shifted in his seat and reached into his pocket and held his hand out. “This is for you.”

I lifted my hand, palm up, and a ring dropped from Joe’s grasp.

“Now, listen to me carefully. It took me thirty-two tries to get this right. When you ask my girl to marry you, you use that. Copyright 2016 - 2024