Gabe (Special Forces - Operation Alpha) - Riley Edwards Page 0,11

technically didn’t work for anyone, he helped various organizations and if he considered you a friend he was always on standby. Luckily for us, Tex considered Zane a friend. There was nothing the man couldn’t find.

“As you all know, I’ll need to vet her intel. But from what Evette found it looks—and I caution you to withhold judgment, we all know in most cases the surface is bullshit—but it would appear someone at Abrams sent the emails and pictures.”

“Seriously?” Linc asked.

“Again, this is surface. It’s also sloppy even for a novice. So immediately I call bullshit. Delilah Watts, a high-level IT specialist at Abrams, would without a shadow of a doubt know how to mask her IP address. It wouldn’t do her any good, I’d still be able to track it back, but at least it would give the appearance she wasn’t a complete tool.”

“All the emails came from her?” I asked.


“Set up?” I guessed.

“That would be my thought,” Garrett agreed.

“Address for Delilah?” Zane asked.

“Already sent it to your email.”

“Myles, Kevin, you’re on Delilah Watts. I want her brought in.”

Kevin and Myles gave Z twin chin lifts in acknowledgment.

“Kyle, you’re scheduled to leave tomorrow for vacation,” Zane continued. “I’ll leave it up to you how much you tell Anaya. My advice, keep a lid on this, your wife is crazy and she’ll likely cancel your trip and horn in on whatever revenge Evette is planning and want to participate and we all know what happens when the women get involved.”

Good to know my boss hadn’t missed Evette’s plans. Though I didn’t think he would; the man didn’t miss much.

“Owen, you’re with Garrett. I want Evette’s files gone over, everything she had backed up, not just what’s on that thumb drive. And, Garrett, you call Tex and ask him if he’ll share all the intel he collected about the rebels and Kalee.”

Zane stopped rapping out his orders and leaned back in his chair.

“I need to make a very uncomfortable call to Rocco. I’ll let him decide how much information he wants to share with Ace and Phantom. Which means ten minutes after I hang up with Rocco, I’ll receive an ass-chewing from Phantom.”

“And Evette?” I asked.

When Zane didn’t answer I glanced from the wall-mounted screen to my boss. For all intents and purposes, Z looked totally at ease. His chair was pushed back from the table, his hands casually folded in his lap, his face devoid of emotion. He was coming up with a plan, and by the way he was leveling me with one of his signature glares, I was certain I wasn’t going to like what he had to say.

“Two choices. I make a call and see if Chaos and his guys are around, Fallport, Virginia’s only a few hours away. Or, Gabe, you and Cooper take Evette to the safehouse.”

“She stays with me.”

Relief swept through me, Evette would be protected while we sorted out her situation.

His glare turned amused and I braced.

“Thought so.”

I needed to shut this shit down before Zane’s meddling ass got too deep into his delirium and had me married with two-point-five kids and a white picket fence.


Where the fuck did that come from?


“You and Cooper take her to the safehouse. I’ll send Ivy out to get her some clothes and whatever girly shit women need. Tomorrow, Evette’ll come in, work with Garrett, and this will be over ASAP and she’ll be on her way back to Cali.”

Back to Cali.

My stomach clenched and my jaw tightened.


“I’ll go get Evette,” I announced.

I was at the doorway when Zane called my name.


“Is it too soon to remind you to glove up?”

Goddamn smartass.

I decided a nonverbal answer was in order and flipped him off. My rude gesture was met with Zane’s obnoxious cackle.

“It’s a good day to be me,” Owen said and I looked from my boss to my teammate.


“Brother, brother, brother.” Owen shook his head. “I didn’t think I’d get my chance so soon. Payback’s a bitch.”


What the hell was Owen talking about?

“I see step one is complete. The woman has already scrambled that pea brain of yours.”

Realization hit and it seemed I needed to set Owen straight, too.

“Not even close to the same thing.”

“Right. I’m blind, deaf, and stupid. Because I’d have to be all three to miss how you were staring at the pretty Evette London.”

“Gabe,” Kyle warned.

“You have nothing to worry about,” I assured. “Owen might have good vision and his hearing along with his big mouth work just fine but he is stupid. Copyright 2016 - 2024