Gabe (Special Forces - Operation Alpha) - Riley Edwards Page 0,109

cheek, all the while holding my gaze.

“Another plus. A man who loves his mother, shows it, and takes care of her. It’s good my Evette found such a good man.” Jenn stopped to smile, then she finished with. “Now, seeing as I’m the only one here old enough to be your mother, I get the honor. So, back on the couch you go. You’ve been up long enough. I’ll check in on your guests and see if they need anything.”

I wasn’t about to argue with her about sitting on the couch. I’d tried that and surprisingly failed. Jenn London was a master manipulator. When the lady bossed it was in your best interest to obey. But that didn’t mean I didn’t have something to say.

“My teammates aren’t guests, they’re freeloaders here for the food and booze and can help themselves. You’ve done enough—why don’t you get yourself something to eat and sit and relax?”

“I think I will.”


Jenn started to drop her hand but I quickly placed mine over hers.

“I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me. It’s unfortunate we met under these circumstances but in a way, I’m not sorry. Evette giving up her life in California to be with me hasn’t gone unnoticed. I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure she never regrets her choice.”

“I believe that.”

“I’m not a man who hesitates nor am I stupid. I’ll be asking Evette to marry me and I’ll be doing that soon.”

“Then I best start planning a wedding.”

The back door swung open and Joe held it open for Evette to precede him.

“Oh, good, you’re back. Take Gabe back to the couch and make him sit down awhile.”

I fought the urge to roll my eyes and only because the movement would likely bring on a headache which in turn would likely move Jenn to new heights of bossiness if she found out.

“You know I can’t make Gabe do anything, right?” Evette returned.

“Nonsense, doll. You go with him, he’d gladly take a load off as long as he’s doing it with you.”

Jenn had a point.

Over an hour ago my house had been overrun. And in that time I hadn’t had much time with Evette and zero time with her alone. Thinking on it, being laid up in a hospital bed had its merits. Hours and hours of just me and Evette alone. Whispering secrets—that was mostly her. Telling stories about our pasts—that was mostly me. And making plans for the future—that was both of us.

Evette had emailed her boss to set up a video meeting. But she’d already told him she was relocating to Maryland and would like to keep her job working remotely. If the news outlet didn’t allow this, Evette was going to go freelance. She seemed excited at the prospect of writing articles she wanted to write, how she wanted to write them. So either way her boss went, she’d be happy.

She’d also called Piper and asked her friend to oversee the movers I hired to pack up her apartment. From what Evette told me Piper wasted no time enlisting the help of Kalee. Who then told the rest of the California girl posse which included: Caite, Sidney, Zoey, and Avery. I’d never met them but I had met their men. It would be a few weeks before Evette’s belongings arrived, but this had no effect on Evette. She was easygoing and relaxed. No trepidation. She’d stated plainly she was happy where she was and she’d get her stuff when she got it.

Though I would be taking her shopping in the interim. I knew myself well enough to know by the time we were done she wouldn’t need any of her old things. I also knew Evette was going to fight me about it. Something I was looking forward to.

“Bossy,” Evette mumbled and separated from her dad. “Let’s go sit down before Mom’s head explodes and she scares the children with her ranting.”

“My head’s gonna explode if you tell me one more time my head’s gonna explode,” Jenn snapped.

“We better hurry, it’s coming,” Evette whispered conspiratorially.

“Go. Shoo.” Jenn motioned.

She did this with a broad smile and wink.

I tagged Evette’s hand and led her into the great room to the couch, where thankfully no one was sitting. I sat and pulled her onto my lap.



“I can’t. I’ll hurt you.”

“You will if you don’t relax.”

It took a few beats and some wiggling—that did indeed hurt like a motherfucker—for Evette to get comfortable. But when she snuggled close Copyright 2016 - 2024