Gabe (Special Forces - Operation Alpha) - Riley Edwards Page 0,103

were raised in the US, yet all three went to Israel to serve. Layla Cohen did four years with Karakal in a combat role. After that, she joined the border police force and was with the Magav unit. They’re known as a family of service, going to their father’s homeland to fulfill a duty they all held sacred. I cannot believe Tamir turned into what amounts to an errand boy to clean up Aviv’s messes. That doesn’t jibe.”

“People change.”

“Do they? So much they’d turn their back on their morals and beliefs? Isaac died saving lives. Layla fought in a combat role. Tamir wanted to honor his brother by serving in his old unit. I’m telling you, Zane, something doesn’t sound right.”

“It might not sound right, but Tamir has Delilah. He took her into Mexico. I saw the border crossing footage myself. His arrival in California fits the Forrest Lawson murder.”

“Maybe he’s helping Delilah?”

I was reaching and I knew it. But, fuck me, Tamir Cohen had once been one of the best commandos Shayetet 13 had ever trained. I couldn’t believe he’d turned.

“Brother, she was gagged in the front seat. He’s not who he was.”

A bone-chilling thought raced up my spine.

“Myles and Kevin need backup.”

“And they’ll have it.”

“Who are you sending?”

“Linc, Leo, Colin, Jax, and Garrett are en route.”

“Has Garrett been in the field in the last five years?”

Zane cut me a look that told me I was being an obnoxious asshole. And I was. These days Garrett sat behind his desk with his keyboards and computer monitors. Not because he had to, but because he preferred it. However, you could argue that Garrett was actually the deadliest out of the group. He was pulled from his SEAL team and disappeared for years. Zane might know what Garrett had done while he was dark, but none of the rest of us knew. Garrett resurfaced then went dark again, only that time it was his choice to go off the radar. Where he went during that year was unknown, all he would say about it was he needed to find himself. When he came back, he joined Z Corps and took a desk job.

I dropped the topic of Garrett and moved back to Abrams.

“What’d you hit Abrams with?”

“The intel. I have Aviv’s word Evette’s off-limits. He’ll forget she exists or I release what we have. He’s dropping the lease deals in Timor-Leste and El Salvador but moving forward with Croatia. I leave Dr. Gates alone and don’t disrupt his research, and in return, we don’t see or hear from Aviv again.”

Shit. Fuck. And damn.

Zane had brokered a good deal. Evette was safe…or was she?

“And Delilah? You’re supposed to let her swing, aren’t you?”

“Yep. He wants her eliminated. Called her a traitor.”

“Goddamn, Z. When Aviv finds out you sent in a team to rescue Delilah there will be hell to pay.”

“Likely he’ll be pissed.”

What. The. Actual. Fuck.


“But he can be pissed all he fucking wants. I’m not letting the woman be murdered. Aviv Abrams can throw a tantrum and go to war with me or he can be smart and give me Delilah. Either way, I’m gonna destroy the fucker.”

I didn’t miss the venom in Zane’s tone. It was more than his normal gruff off-the-cuff comments he made when he was unhappy.


A beat of silence turned into three before Zane pulled in a breath, exhaled, and tore off the mask.

“Because you’re right. A good man, a man who served faithfully, honored his brother, sister, his family. Served a country that was not his own but his father’s out of a greater sense of moral duty doesn’t turn his back on that unless there’s a reason. And my gut is telling me that Aviv Abrams is that reason. And no matter what Tamir Cohen has done, I have a deep obligation to help a brother who has lost his way. If I’m correct and Aviv has somehow twisted Tamir into his personal death dealer, I won’t bat an eyelash when I take him down.”

Shit. I got that. But selfishly, I didn’t give a rat’s ass about Tamir Cohen. I cared about Evette and her safety.

“But,” Zane continued. “That’s for later. Evette’s clear and will remain that way. You have my word on that. So now all you need to do is worry about getting your woman’s apartment packed up and moved to your waterfront mansion, buy her the expensive car we all know you’re gonna buy her, and spoil the hell out of her Copyright 2016 - 2024