Future Under Fire - Trish McCallan Page 0,9

jumble of voices. These bastards didn’t know what had happened to Sarah and Langley any more than he did.

“What’s up?” Tram asked in a quiet voice, his watchful gaze skating between the men behind them and Tag’s face.

“Call Rio. Tell him to meet us at the Wedding Knot.” With Tram beside him, he jogged to the Renegade, a sense of urgency rising.

As Tram called Rio and left a message, Tag pulled his phone from his pocket and climbed into the Jeep. Maybe Sarah would pick up this time. Car doors slammed across the street as Tram cranked the engine. And then a Ford Explorer with Avis rental plates pulled a u-ey and eased up behind them.

They had a tail…

He tried Sarah’s number again as Tram pulled away from the curb. It just rang and rang.

God damn fucking son of a bitch. The last thing he wanted was to call Mitch. But they needed to know what the bastard had seen.

“What’s Mitch’s number?”

Tram shot him a quick glance and rattled off the number.

Tag punched the number in, hit the speaker icon, and set the phone on his thigh. To his surprise and Tram’s as well—judging by his buddy’s double take—Mitch answered on the second ring.

“Let me guess, you sanctimonious fuckwad. You want to know if sweet, missing Sarah is okay?”

The guy obviously had caller ID.

An ugly, malicious tone vibrated through Mitch’s voice, sending chills down Tag’s sweaty spine and lifting the hair on the back of his neck. Tram picked up on the malevolence too, judging by the suddenly white knuckles wrapped around the steering wheel.

“Where’s Sarah?” Tag asked tightly as Tram swerved over to the side of the road and stopped the Renegade.

“I don’t know.” The pause was followed by an ugly laugh. “Well, not exactly anyway.”

Tag’s shoulders tensed. “What the fuck does that mean?”

“An associate grabbed her, and that tall, luscious piece of ass Sarah calls her bestie. Damn, I should have made a grab for that one while I had the chance. Got a good banging out of her before…well…”

Someone else had grabbed Sarah? This wasn’t about the threat against Langley?

What the holy hell were they walking into here?

“What are you talking about?” Tag gritted out the question and glanced at Tram. A bitter sense of vindication rose at the shell-shocked look on his buddy’s face. Tram was finally getting his eyes opened.

Mitch had to know Tag’s phone was on speaker, he must have heard the echo and road noise. The fact he was still talking meant he didn’t give a shit that someone else was listening in—which meant he had no intention of returning to the teams. He was on the run.

Christ, he had the training and contacts to disappear if he wanted to.

What the fuck was the bastard involved in that would send him running like this?

“I told you.” Mitch sounded bored now. “A business acquaintance claims I owe him money. He apparently grabbed Sarah to expedite payment.” A sly, malevolent note weaved through the words. “I’ve heard that you can burst your larynx if you scream long and hard enough. What do you think? Do you think he can shred her vocal cords? Is that even possible? Guess you’ll find out soon enough.”

Tag tried to think past the urgent rush of his blood and slam of his heart. The bastard couldn’t be serious. He couldn’t be.

He turned back to his phone, picking it up and forcing his voice to calm. To steadiness. “Here’s a thought. You could give this acquaintance the money he’s asking for.”

Mitch laughed in what sounded like honest amusement. “Why the hell would I want to do that? She’s not worth a half a mil. Although I am sorry to see this war between us end. It’s been so entertaining—watching the team turn against you, watching you agonize when I brought your bitch to heel. Did you blubber through the nights, wondering whether she was lying beneath me? Wondering whether I was making her scream as I pounded into her? I’ll let you in on a big secret. You bet she screamed…every night. But not from pleasure. Too bad I never ruptured her voice, but not from lack of trying, I promise you that. I did condition her for you. I taught her to shudder every time she’s touched. To flinch. To cringe. You can thank me later. If you get her back. If she lets you near her again.”

Tag shook his head, feeling like he’d taken a sucker punch to the

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