Future Under Fire - Trish McCallan Page 0,77

to her, she deserved someone who could.

But the thought of her with anyone else…hell, it felt like an RPG had struck his chest.

Before he had a chance to do something stupid, like lurch forward and drag her back down to the bed, an ear-splitting scream filled the room.

Like a flip had switched, he froze. He tilted his head, listening intently. His senses sharpened. It was the fire alarm from the sound of it. Was it a drill? A prank?

A fucking distraction?

With Mitch in town and apparently after Sean Gillespie’s personal effects, a distraction was a strong possibility. If the bastard had multiple bodies and cars available, it would have been simple to follow Tag from the morgue directly to the motel. He’d kept an eye out for a tail, but it was damn near impossible to spot one if multiple cars were trading off.

“It’s just the fire alarm. Probably a drill,” Sarah said, but her voice rose into a question.

“Maybe.” Tag headed toward the door.

He wasn’t taking chances. If it was a distraction, the room was safer than the hall or outside. With the door and door jamb made from metal and the deadbolt in place, not to mention the security hasp flipped, it would be damn near impossible for someone to muscle their way inside. Sarah would be safer in here, where he could protect her.

Even if Mitch had a door popper, he and Sarah had a chance at surviving. Tag could get several good shots off before Mitch made it inside.

He plucked his phone from his pocket and texted a sitrep to Tram. It never hurt to call in reinforcements. By the time he’d stuffed his cell back into his pocket and converged on the door, the faint scent of smoke tickled his nose.


An actual fire?

He needed to check the hall. Make sure there weren’t flames in sight. Backtracking to the motel dresser, he grabbed his Glock. Weapon in hand, he headed for the door again. By the time he reached it, the smell of smoke had intensified.

Son of a bitch.

He pressed his ear to the door, listening hard. Was the place really on fire? Or was someone outside, using the threat of fire to drive them into the hall? All he could hear was that shrieking alarm. The smoke smell though—


It was getting stronger by the second.

When the first tendril of gray snaked under the door, he spun. There was no question something was on fire. And it was close enough to send smoke into their room. And while his instincts were lighting up like a rocket—no fucking way was this a coincidence—they couldn’t stay in here either. If the fire didn’t kill them, the smoke would.

He headed for the window, glancing out. But he already knew that wasn’t an option. They were four floors up. The drop would kill or cripple them. Nor could they wait for the fire department to arrive with a ladder. The room was already filling with smoke; they could suffocate before anyone arrived to save them.

No choice. They’d have to chance it. They’d have to run.

“Sarah.” He turned toward her, stuffing the Glock behind the waistband of his jeans in the hollow above his ass. No time to fit the holster.

Sarah was frozen in place, watching him.

“Come here.” When she instantly complied, he breathed easier. “Wait here for me.” He shot into the bathroom, filled the sink with cold water, and yanked two hand towels off the rack. After soaking them in the water for a few seconds, he wrung them out and returned to Sarah.

She was still waiting for him, still as a stone. But her hazel eyes were clear and free of panic. Thank Christ. Panic was a good way to get someone killed. He handed her one of the towels, nodding in approval as she used it to cover her nose and mouth.

“Step to the side. Get down low. Huddle next to the wall behind the door.”

He waited with forced patience for her to do as directed. If there was someone in the hall and they had a weapon, the metal door would provide her some cover. Once she was squatting on the ground, he turned back to the door.

“Don’t follow me out until I give the all clear. If you hear anything, slam the door shut behind me. When I say go—go. Keep low to the ground. Grab hold of the back of my shirt. Stay close.” He stepped up to the door and pressed his ear

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